Sunday, 19 Jan 2025

Shameless egged Oz senator Fraser Anning defends punching boy saying 'it's what his mum should have done long ago’

EMBATTLED Aussie senator Fraser Anning has defended punching a teenage boy who publicly egged him as self-defence.

The 69-year-old Queensland politician insisted 17-year-old, Will Connolly —  who has dubbed himself “Egg Boy” — simply received a slap round the face” for behaving badly.

But speaking to reporters this morning, Anning said he had done nothing wrong when he pelted Connolly.

The teen had been angry at comments made by the politician which linked immigration to the slaughter of 50 people in the Christchurch mosque attacks by a extreme-right terrorist. 

He said: “I don’t regret anything I do.

“I defended myself, that’s what Australians do usually, they defend themselves.”

But the senator then turned on Egg Boy’s mum.

He said: “He got a slap across the face which is what his mother should have given him a long time ago because he’s been misbehaving badly.”

Anning also provoked further outrage yesterday by attending the Modern Arms and Militaria Fair in Ipswich, Queensland — less than 48 hours after his inflammatory comments.

But Anning said: "I'm a shooter.

"I'd already accepted an invitation to go to that.

"People can be inflamed if they like, its entirely up to them. I don't usually back away from the things I like to do."


He got a slap across the face which is what his mother should have given him a long time ago



The Queensland independent senator laughed off threats from Australian Prime Minister who suggested he should be punished for punching the kid.

He said: “I hope it’s not too painful.

"What’s he going to do? Flog me with his lace hanky? I don’t know.”

The egging — which has been reported on across the globe — came after Anning sparked outrage after claiming Muslim immigration in New Zealand was responsible for the deaths of 49 mosque worshippers.

The politician had been speaking to media in Melbourne on Saturday when Connolly can be seen waiting from the sidelines — then smashing the egg on the back of his head.

In response, Senator Anning can be seen swinging punches at the young man, with one connecting with the side of his head.

The confrontation comes after the Senator was widely condemned for his comments in the wake of the massacre that saw at least 50 killed and dozens injured.

Condemnation was led by Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

He said: “The remarks by Senator Fraser Anning blaming the murderous attacks by a violent, right-wing, extremist terrorist in New Zealand on immigration are disgusting.

"Those views have no place in Australia, let alone the Australian Parliament."

Britain's Home Secretary Sajid Javid added his voice to the condemnation, saying: "At a time for grieving and reflection, this Australian senator Fraser Anning fans the flames of violence and extremism."

"Australians will be utterly ashamed of this racist man. In no way does he represent our Australian friends."

The youngster was separated from the senator by a staffer before being led away by police.

A Victoria Police spokesman said officers arrested a 17-year-old boy from Hampton who was released pending further inquiries.

A fundraising page has been set up to buy "more eggs" and to raise funds for lawyers.


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