Friday, 5 Jul 2024

Shame on the BBC for wasting cash on woke trash while abandoning OAPs

A REALITY star from the E4 show Made In Chelsea ­hosting a podcast that ­features stories about when he soiled himself.

Two privileged white women telling other white women they are “Karens” who should ­“basically leave” discussions about race.

The drag queen Divina De Campo lecturing parents on how to help their children come out, with seemingly no qualifications to do so.

Believe it or not, all three of these programmes were recently paid for using OUR MONEY from the poll tax otherwise known as the licence fee.

This is the BBC in 2020, where impartial public service ­broadcasting has been replaced by a craven desire to be trendy, liberal and woke . . . at any cost.

And the same Beeb that this week decided to axe The Andrew Neil Show — a decision I’m sure has nothing to do with the fact the ­presenter is also ­chairman of the Spectator magazine, meaning he falls outside the ­liberal-Left bracket occupied by its other news stars, from Emily Maitlis to Naga Munchetty to Huw Edwards.

Political ideology has started to seep into BBC news reports on such a disturbingly regular basis that it’s no longer noticed.

This week, I watched in horror as the broadcaster’s Scotland Editor Sarah Smith subjected millions of viewers of the flagship 10pm bulletin to a piece of pro-SNP propaganda in which she claimed anyone campaigning for the union in the future would be fighting the “prevailing trend”.

Based on what? A couple of lousy polls, which recent history proves cannot be trusted.

It’s not hard to see why BBC bosses have no qualms in forcing those over 75 — some of them devastated World War Two veterans — to pay £157.50 to watch the telly from next month, though for many of these folk it’s their only lifeline to the wider world.

Pensioners are simply not a priority for this youth-obsessed corporation, which is focused on chasing cheap website hits and streams by aping their commercial rivals.


It would rather sign up more reality stars, like Gemma Collins, to host podcasts on their new and totally unnecessary BBC Sounds app than shell out the millions needed to keep our greatest generation connected.

It’s a shameful betrayal.

Beeb management thought if they didn’t blink, the Government would swoop in and pick up the cost to avoid a PR disaster. That didn’t happen.

The BBC has become a bloated, out-of-touch monolith devoted to metropolitan liberal groupthink, where programming and news decisions are made to impress dinner-party guests in Islington and a tiny band of followers on Twitter, rather than appeal to the great British public.

Boris Johnson, with the support of his Beeb-sceptic chief adviser Dominic Cummings, must listen to his gut and insist on reform now before it’s too late.

And out-of-touch BBC management should hang their heads in shame at the financial trauma they are about to inflict on those over 75 years old.

Moaning Meghan is no Mrs O

I’VE been told for a number of months that Meghan and Harry have a clear plan to emulate the careers of the Obamas.

But what the Sussexes are missing is that Barack and Michelle cut through with the public because they were liberals who dispensed with politically correct nonsense and addressed real-life issues that resonated.

Princess Diana was able to do the same thing, with deeply personal and targeted addresses on subjects that really mattered to her, such as bulimia (she’d struggled with the eating disorder for years) and the Aids crisis and landmines (personal passion projects where she changed international opinion for ever).

The first major public address from the duchess (do we really still need to call her that?) showed that her specialty remains non-specific woke mumbo jumbo ripped straight from a bargain-bin self-help manual.

Vague messages about “drowning out the noise”, “demanding to own the conversation” and making the elite “uncomfortable” might cut it with the rich and influential Hollywood champagne socialists she hangs out with nowadays.

But it’s meaningless drivel to the underprivileged and invisible folk you would hope she wants to inspire.

Wootton's week

Thank you for the music, Si

EXACTLY ten years on from the creation of boy band phenomenon One Direction, Simon Cowell has unexpectedly quit the pop music business.

The man behind Leona Lewis, Shayne Ward, Susan Boyle, Little Mix and my girl Honey G will part ways with Sony Music to focus on his entertainment division, home of the successful Got Talent franchise.

Music streaming, with its international focus, killed the reality TV-created pop star.

Cowell was king of the novelty No1 and loved bold and brash stunts and telly shows to propel his acts to the top of the pops.

These days, the music biz is a largely tiresome graft, in which it can take months for a song to break through.

I long for the old days of the hit parade, which could make unlikely stars of Zig and Zag, Robson and Jerome, and, of course, Chico.

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