Monday, 17 Jun 2024

Seventh person dies from 'severe' lung disease after vaping

A man in California has become the seventh person to die from a mysterious vaping-related lung disease.

The man in his 40s died over the weekend as the worrying spate of deaths sparks alarm across the USA.

More than 450 similar cases in 33 states have now been recorded by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

No specific substance or product has been linked to the outbreak, but people have reported vaping THC, marijuana’s psychoactive chemical.

The health agency believes the cases are linked to chemical exposure rather than a specific disease.

Dr. Karen Haught, a Tulare County public health officer, said that the Californian man had fought the lung disease for several weeks.

She said: ‘We would like to warn all residents that any use of e-cigarettes poses a possible risk to the health of the lungs and can potentially cause severe lung injury that may even lead to death.

‘Long-term effects of vaping on health are unknown.

‘Anyone considering vaping should be aware of the serious potential risk associated with vaping.’

Last week President Donald Trump proposed a similar federal ban on vaping.

Adam Hergenreder, 18, from Illinois, claims doctors told him he has ‘lungs like an old man’ after vaping for two years.

He is suing a vape company Juul because he alleges their social media campaigns made the alternative smoking method seem ‘cool’.

His lawyer Antonio Romanucci said: ‘To put it mildly, Adam didn’t stand a chance to avoid getting hooked on these toxic time-bombs.’

Yesterday New York state announced it would be following Michigan in banning flavoured vapes, such as mango, bumble gum and cotton candy.

It is claimed these vape products are deliberately marketed at young people.

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo said: ‘Vaping is dangerous period.

The global market is estimated to have a value of as much as $11 billion (£8.8 million).

Vape companies claim their products are a safer alternative to smoking as they do not produce tar or carbon monoxide which are two of the most harmful products in cigarette smoking.

Public Health England state that vaping is 95% less harmful than normal smoking.

It states there have not been similar incidents of vaping-related lung disease in the UK as seen across the pond.

The UK’s vaping market is said to be strictly regulated.

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