Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025

‘Saddest sight!’ Biden’s presidency a ‘calamity for the West and free world’, analyst says

Joe Biden falls off his bike after getting foot caught

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The foreign policy analyst’s comments come as inflation soars, illegal border crossings in the US have skyrocketed under Biden’s administration and its economy is crumbling. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, in May inflation rose to 8.6 percent in the United States and in other data, two million illegal border crossings have occurred under Bien’s leadership.

In an article for The Telegraph, Mr Gardiner wrote: “The sense of malaise across the United States is palpable.

“There is little public confidence in the leadership of Joe Biden, who is increasingly a president in denial.”

Public confidence has not only decreased due to the policy issues associated with the Biden administration and “embarrassments” such as the withdrawal from Afghanistan, but also the number of public gaffs made by the President which has to be resolved by White House staff.

Most recently, the 79-year-old President was seen falling off his bike while it was stationary near his holiday home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

Footage and images of the fall have been shared on social media with many mocking the President and numerous users calling the fall an allegory for Biden’s Presidency.

Twitter user CarrejoDominic tweeted: “Running a country is like riding a bike. ~ Joe Biden”.

Meanwhile, Joey Gilbert tweeted: “Joe Biden falling off of a bike is a perfect metaphor for his presidency.”

Mr Gardiner said on Twitter: “In many respects, Joe Biden’s presidency is the most amateurish in modern American history.

“The Biden era is a calamity for the West and the free world.”

Despite these comments and online perceptions of a so-called frail President, former aides have suggested to the President that he runs for re-election in 2024.

It is possible that the current President, if he decides to run, would face Donald Trump once again if he too puts in a bid to run for a second term.

According to poll aggregator FiveThirtyEight, Biden’s net approval rating stands at -14.4 percent compared to Trump’s rating of -9.4 percent at the same point in his presidency.

Mr Gardiner pointed out that Biden’s overall approval ratings makes him “one of the least popular presidents in modern American history at this early stage in his presidency”.

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He added that “fewer than one in four Americans now believe the US is heading in the ‘right direction’ according to the latest RealClearPolitics average poll of polls”.

Lavern Spicer tweeted: “ALL of my Democrat friends still support Joe Biden. NONE OF THEM can name me one reason why anymore.”

It seems that Mr Gardiners comments about Joe Biden’s presidency and the feelings of Americans are accurate.

Mr Gardiner concluded that the current White House administration is an “embarrassment on the world stage”.

He added: “The White House is utterly chaotic: at times, the level of almost comical incompetence has a distinctly Monty Python-esque satirical feel to it.”

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