Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

Remainers threaten to force Parliament to sit this weekend in a bid to scupper No Deal Brexit – The Sun

REMAINERS are threatening to force Parliament to sit this weekend in a bid to scupper a No Deal.

Sources said the rebel plan centres on changing the law to take crashing out of the EU off the table once and for all — rather than trying to delay Brexit.

It would be the first all-weekend sitting for MPs since before World War Two.

The former Justice Secretary David Gauke issued a rallying call to fellow Tory Remainers by warning next week represented their “last opportunity” to block a No Deal Brexit.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister is facing three legal challenges — in London, Edinburgh and Belfast — to his decision to suspend Parliament for more than a month so MPs cannot stop Brexit.

Scotland’s highest civil court is due to rule at 10am today whether the move to prorogue Parliament was lawful.

It could force Boris Johnson to reverse the controversial decision.

A No 10 source said: “It is perverse that some MPs would attempt these parliamentary shenanigans just as we are actually seeing progress to deliver Brexit.”

But Tory grandee Ken Clarke said he was ready to bring down the Government if it was the only way to stop a No Deal Brexit.

He told ITV News that he would be willing to become a caretaker PM.

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