Monday, 10 Mar 2025

Purr-anormal activity! Cat owner sets up camera to reveal pet's antics

Purr-anormal activity! Cat owner sets up a camera to reveal his pet’s bizarre antics during the night

  • Aaron Brown, 37, from Texas, tries to sleep as Tormund the cat jumps on him  
  • Two-year-old American medium hair does everything he can to wake his owner 
  • Mr Brown believes the cat is just too eager for his morning feed to sleep at night 

A cat owner has given a hilarious peek into what his cat gets up to whilst he sleeps, sharing footage from inside his bedroom.

Aaron Brown, 37, from Dallas, Texas, is seen tossing and turning in bed as the cat, named Tormund, struts around the room and attempts to disrupt the owner’s sleep by jumping on, licking and pawing his face.

In the video the two-year-old feline, who was rescued by Mr Brown in early 2020, does not appear to sleep at all, instead using his owner as a climbing frame and scratching post. 

The troublesome cat, an American medium hair, can be seen looking out of the window before heading back to his owner’s side to cuddle up.

Mr Brown captioned the video ‘Tormund Attacks’, writing ‘I’m a relatively new cat owner. This is my life now.’  

He believes that the cat wakes him up by jumping on him throughout the night because he is so eager to have his morning feed. 

The video, which he shared on YouTube, has racked up 1.8million views since he posted the footage. 

Aaron Brown, 37, from Dallas, Texas, is seen tossing and turning in bed as the cat, named Tormund, struts around the room and attempts to disrupt owner’s sleep by nuzzling his face

The cat successfully wakes up Mr Brown several times throughout the night

Here Mr Brown is seen turning out the light again after his cat woke him up at 5.45am

Mr Brown said he took the video in April of last year, several months after he got the cat, in order to show his friend just how ‘ridiculous’ the cat’s behaviour is in the mornings.  

The owner said: ‘Tormund was pretty shy at first…but he’s not shy anymore.

‘The response has been much bigger than I expected – it was intended as a one-off video to show my family and friends.

Here Tormund sits on his favourite seat, his owner Aaron Brown, as they cosy up at home

Mr Brown filmed the video to a friend, with the video unexpectedly getting 1.8 million views on Youtube 

‘However, now that it has gained a bit of popularity, I’m very glad it’s brought some level of amusement to so many people.’

One social media user said the clip was something that all cat owners will be able to relate to, writing: ‘Hilarious!! Those of us with cats all feel your sleeplessness!

‘My large fur kid likes to repeatedly play the cow jumped over the moon with my head every morning 90 minutes before my alarm goes off.

Here the feline appears to be feeling the effects of staying up all night, as he yawns widely

Despite the sleep deprivation due to Tormund’s excitable behaviour Mr Brown is clearly very happy with his decision to adopt the feline

‘If that falls to wake me, she talks loudly at me while jumping over/on my head until I give in and make her breakfast.’

Another commented: ‘Thank you for the much needed laugh! Love it! Totally understand, as I have four who are in constant competition over what they apparently consider prime real estate, (as close to my face as possible).

‘It’s a never ending game of King of the Hill or more aptly put: King of the Mom…lol!’

Source: Read Full Article

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