Sunday, 22 Sep 2024

Prince Harry and Meghan’s claim about Archie’s security doubted by royal expert

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have complained the Royal Family did not do enough for their firstborn son Archie Harrison – which was one of the reasons they fell out with the firm.

One of Meghan's complaints was Archie not being bestowed the title "Prince" like his cousins Prince George and Prince Louie and another was the reluctance of the Royal Family to arrange a bodyguard for him.

Andrew Morton, author of Meghan: A Hollywood Princess and Diana: In Pursuit of Love, says he thinks it would be "premature" to organise a separate security detail for Archie.

In an interview with the podcast he says he believes Archie would have been safe enough with his parents' bodyguards.

The author claims the tragedy of Princess Diana, who was harassed by paparazzi and died in a car crash in 1997, will have influenced the fear Harry and The Duchess of Sussex feel over protecting their children.

He tells host Kinsey Schofield: "Certainly, their decision with regards to the protection of Archie and Lili is in response to what happened to Diana

"They are hyper-focused on it but what I find baffling is that they both had bodyguards themselves and traditionally what happens is that if you've got a baby who has recently been born they will always travel with them so they don't need it.

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"Archie didn't really need a bodyguard or protection for a long time so it struck me as being a bit premature."

The Duchess of Sussex appeared to view the situation differently because she told Oprah Winfrey: "In those months when I was pregnant, all around this same time, so we [had] the conversation of he won't be given security, he’s not going to be given a title."

It's not clear the timeframe Meghan was talking about – for instance she may have felt it necessary for Archie to have security once he was away from the family and had started school.

Under the complicated royal rules of succession and titles, Archie would only be entitled to being a "Prince" when his grandfather Prince Charles ascended to the throne.

Prince George was the only one of Prince William's children who would be automatically born a prince as a direct heir to the throne.

But The Queen created new rules in 2013 so George’s siblings would also be princes or princesses.

It is thought to cost approximately £100 million annually to provide nearly two-dozen royals with round-the-clock protection officers.

Daily Star has approached the Duke and Duchess of Sussex for comment.

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