Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024

Posties banned from looking at each other in shared vans under 'barmy' Covid rules

POSTIES are banned from looking at each other in shared vans, new Covid rules say.

They are also told to keep the windows open — and cannot take their lunch breaks together.

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The rules are part of a nine-point plan designed to minimise the infection risk of those working in pairs.

The Royal Mail guidance for shared vans acknowledges it is not possible to remain two metres apart.

The new rules are designed to minimise the risk of coronavirus infection while working in pairs.

But staff are told: “Face forward in the vehicle and do not face each other.”

Workers must also wear masks, sanitise regularly and “keep windows open to ventilate when the vehicle is occupied and in use”.

The rules mean Postman Pat and his cat Jess would be unable to talk to each other.

One postie in Southampton said: "To expect us to drive around all winter with the windows open when temperatures plunge below zero is crazy.



“The bosses have gone barmy. If we don’t get Covid, perhaps we will get pneumonia instead.”

Communication Workers Union chiefs oppose the “reckless” plans.

A spokeswoman for Royal Mail said: “We took the decision to allow shared vans on a voluntary basis with preventative measures in line with guidelines.”

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