Thursday, 16 Jan 2025

Piers Morgan slams parents pulling kids out of school over LGBT lessons

PIERS Morgan slammed parents who have pulled their kids from schools over LGBT lessons as "homophobic" this morning.

The Good Morning Britain host debated with a journalist over the protests from Muslim parents outside schools in Birmingham.

Dozens of parents have withdrawn kids from five schools in the city, after they brought in LGBT lessons.

Many have been protesting outside Parkfield Community School, arguing that the No Outsiders inclusiveness and diversity programme there, set up by gay assistant head Andrew Moffat, promoted his personal beliefs.

Some have been staging weekly demonstrations outside the school gates while more than 500 pupils were hauled out of class.

Today on GMB journalist Dilly Hussain said parents have the right to fight against lessons that go against their belief.

He claimed it is not homophobia as they are not "inciting violence and hatred", adding Muslims can "coexist peacefully with people of different sexualities".

Piers said: "You're not coexisting in peace, you're making very vocal protests, you're taking kids out of schools and I think it's not so much driven by the reasons you say, but it's driven by homophobia, which is not that peaceful."

Dilly had explained: "I think the reason why parents resorted to petitions and protests and withdrawals is because there was a breakdown in communication, a lack of consultation and a lack of transparency.

"I don't think any parent in the right state of mind would want to deprive their child of education and don't think anyone would want to resort to protest."

I think it's not so much driven by the reasons you say, but it's driven by homophobia, which is not that peaceful.

But Piers interrupted: "Under pinning this is a belief by the Muslim parents involved in these protests that being gay is inherently wrong, it's part of their belief.

"You're a Muslim, is homosexuality in your view a sin?"

Dilly responded with: "From the standpoint of my faith, then yes, however but that necessarily doesn't mean we can't coexist peacefully with people of different sexualities."

He repeated that the reason the parents are protesting is over the lack of communication and transparency from the school.

Sir Michael Wilshaw, head of Ofsted, also appeared on the program and said "these parents have behaved disgracefully" as he called for lessons to be reinstated.

The school had previously said lessons would continue as normal after the Easter holidays – despite the protests.

But it reversed that decision and said those lessons which were aimed to teach tolerance of diverse groups – including those of different races, genders and sexual orientation – will not be taught "until a resolution has been reached".

I am not homophobic and this is not about an angry mob of Muslim parents being angry about LGBT lessons, it’s about much more than that

Mum Fatima Shah, who first raised the issue before pulling her ten-year-old daughter from classes, said: “Our view is that the programme doesn’t teach disability equality or religious equality but instead concentrates on sexual orientation.

“I am not homophobic and this is not about an angry mob of Muslim parents being angry about LGBT lessons, it’s about much more than that.

“Parents want a choice to opt out of these lessons if need be.

“At the moment we have no choice and our children are being taught without our permission.

“We want our children to go to school to learn English and Maths but they are coming home asking questions about transgender issues which sews seeds of doubt in their minds.”

Two weeks ago the school received praise from Ofsted who said “the majority of parents” support the same-sex lessons.

“This group of parents feel that staff do not sufficiently listen to their concerns."Their view is that the PSHE education and equalities curriculum focuses disproportionately on lesbian, gay and bisexual issues and that this work is not taught in an age-appropriate manner.

“Inspectors found no evidence that this is the case.”



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