Monday, 23 Sep 2024

Oxfam attacking the world's richest shows just how little they understand the global economy and poverty

OXFAM’S complaint that a few ­billionaires are worth more than half the world shows how little the charity understands the global economy or how to reduce poverty.

Would the poor benefit if a few tycoons were less rich? No. Quite the opposite.

The last three decades have seen the most dramatic reduction ever in global poverty, all thanks to capitalism.

These self-made tycoons are its champions. Their vast companies and others like them have created jobs and wealth for untold numbers of people.

And the world’s richest man Bill Gates is also the most generous. The Microsoft founder has so far donated £30billion to charity — a sum Oxfam would take almost a century to raise.

Trust the idiotic Jeremy Corbyn, then, to use Gates as an example of the system being “rigged” against the poor.

Oxfam has become a foghorn for the sort of chippy lefties who were also sniping at Jeremy Hunt yesterday for making millions from a firm he founded in 1996. Why shouldn’t he?

A green-eyed war on wealth creators is the fastest way to increase poverty.

If only Oxfam and Corbyn would be honest about it.

Source: Read Full Article

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