Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

Owner of giant chubby cat hits back at cruel internet trolls – because she’s on a diet

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The massive moggy from Russia saw her picture on Instagram receive a flurry of comments suggesting animal abuse and wrongly suggested the cat was unable to walk because of her weight. Liznya, the domestic cat, has come under fire after sharing her weight loss journey on Instagram with videos and pictures showing how her tummy drags across the ground as she walks and stands.

Posting under the username @fedupcat since she joined the platform in early 2020, some of her 8,800 followers have commented branding her “obese” and accusing her owners of “animal abuse”.

But Liznya’s owners have insisted she is not overfed, explaining that she gained weight following pregnancy and despite controlling her diet, has continued to put on weight.

Answering questions on Liznya’s page, they said: “There are some misunderstandings. We have never tried to overfeed Liznya.

“Some people wrote we do it on purpose. How do you imagine that? She even refuses to eat any other food than her diet food.

“It is true that our cat was pregnant and spayed after it, but we do not claim this is the exact reason for her to become obese.

“We wrote that she began to gain weight quickly since her pregnancy and even quicker after it.”

In an Instagram reel on Liznya’s page, her owners showed themselves measuring out 29g of Royal Canin diet food for her.

In their post to answer questions about her diet, they explained that Liznya had been to the vets multiple times and that this was her current recommended diet.

But they also hit back at trolls who have “wished death” upon the owners and dispelled suggestions the rotund feline is unable to walk because of her weight problems.

The post continued: “She has been to the vet many times and has changed her diet plan more than once during this time.

“Now she seems to have stopped gaining weight with her current plan, but still there are problems with losing it.

“We can’t show her to a vet too frequently, but we will definitely do it again and again if needed.

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“We do not support any kinds of abuse and it is not OK to threaten the owners.

“And we also can’t ignore that some point out that our cat was slimmer in 2020.

“It is true, but she did not gain much weight since then, look at other old pictures taken from a different angle to make sure.

“And yes, Liznya can walk, she even loves to play hunting! We agree she needs to be more active to lose her weight.

“If some people still do not believe the above, well, that is your opinion, but please do not spread false information and do not wish the owners to die.

“It is a bit sad to read messages like this.”

The fattest domestic cat to have lived on record was an Australian Tabby which weighed 21kg (3st 3lbs).

In 2018, an 18kg rescue kitty dubbed ‘the real-life Garfield’ made global headlines when pictures emerged of his enormous figure.

The 33lb cat, whose real name was Bronson, was quickly given a diet overhaul by his new owners Mike Wilson and Meghan Hanneman.

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