Wednesday, 22 Jan 2025

Our reputation as the most welcoming country in Europe is threatened by the Home Office’s constant errors – The Sun

OURS is the most welcoming country in Europe and probably the world.

But that deserved reputation is sullied every time an EU citizen, here legally, is put through the fear of wrongly having their “settled status” claim denied.

The Left hate any notion that our nation is more tolerant and diverse than others. All other Brits are fascists, you see.

Consider, though, the 27 new commission members at the EU, that great “liberal” project of Remainer fantasy. Every single one is white. One is responsible for “Protecting our European Way of Life”.

Now imagine the Left’s rage if Boris Johnson appointed an all-white Cabinet and a Minister for “Protecting our British Way of Life”. They would equate the Tories to the Ku Klux Klan.

In fact, Boris hired the most ethnically diverse Cabinet in history. His Chancellor and Home Secretary are British Asians.

And his immigration pronouncements are far more liberal than Theresa May’s. But his Government MUST live up to them.

Boris insists all EU citizens legally here have “the absolute certainty for the right to live and remain”.

Very few applications are refused and those that are get smoothed out . . . eventually. But each one IS a nightmare for the migrants involved and rightly publicised.

They are not the sign of a hard-right Government, as the Guardian types want us to believe. But they ARE unfair.

Home Secretary Priti Patel must get a grip on it. Home Office errors must be eliminated or at least rapidly corrected.

And negligent officials must be fired.

Jail this mob

WE congratulate police who thwarted the eco-mob’s bid to shut down Heathrow with drones. But it must not end there.

These protesters intended to inflict enormous economic damage, and hardship to many thousands of travellers.

Too many well-meaning people sympathise with Extinction Rebellion. But it is an extremist doomsday cult, whipping up unscientific climate hysteria, hoping it triggers Marxist revolution.

They should not be indulged, with ­paltry fines or conditional discharges.

They must be deterred with jail sentences lasting years.

Sneering Steph

BBC presenters are meant to appear impartial. It doesn’t take much for the mask to slip, though, does it?

Steph McGovern must have thought it hilarious to mock the PM while being handsomely paid to host an event he spoke at. But she was wildly out of order.

Millions are rooting for Boris to deliver Brexit and see off the threat of Corbyn. He looks like the last hope of either.

That will be news to leftie Remainers at the BBC — which illustrates perfectly how out of touch the state broadcaster is with those who fund it.

Source: Read Full Article

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