Saturday, 29 Jun 2024

New Lebanon PM says top priority is the nation’s ‘strangling’ economic crisis

Lebanon’s new prime minister held consultations Saturday with parliamentary blocs in which they discussed the shape of the future government and said afterwards that legislators all had one concern: To get the country out of its “strangling” economic crisis.

Hassan Diab, a university professor and former education minister, will have to steer Lebanon out of its worst economic and financial crisis in decades. He’s also taking office against the backdrop of ongoing nationwide protests against the country’s ruling elite.

“Lebanon is in the intensive care unit and needs efforts” by all sides, from political groups to protesters, Diab said.

Consultations began a day after scuffles broke out in Beirut and other areas between supporters of outgoing prime minister Saad Hariri and Lebanese troops and riot police. The ex-premier’s supporters were protesting Diab’s nomination. At least seven soldiers were injured.

Diab told reporters later that all members of parliament encouraged him to form a Cabinet “as soon as possible.” Cabinets usually take months to form in Lebanon because of bargaining between rival groups.

Diab said he hopes to form a government of about 20 ministers made up of independents and technocrats within few weeks. “It’s time to work and we ask God to make us successful.”

He added that the situation in Lebanon cannot stand any delays amid its worst economic and financial crisis since the end of the 1975-90 civil war.

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