Tuesday, 1 Oct 2024

Need for a transparent, responsible approach

Credit:Illustration: Matt Golding

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Need for a transparent, responsible approach

As a registered nurse, I worked in a general practice for 10 years. I witnessed numerous breaches of medical regulations regarding prescribing and competency. Following a major incident, restrictions were placed on one GP and these were blatantly ignored. Ego and a sense of self-entitlement, along with bullying of staff, allowed this person to continually ignore the restrictions.

When an anonymous report about the GP continuing to prescribe addictive drugs was sent to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, its response was to send the handwritten complaint directly back to the GP.

This current spate of GPs and registered nurses practising beyond their scope of practice is not new. AHPRA has a lot of questions to answer, and needs to be both transparent and responsible to consumers and most doctors and nurses who are ethical and competent.
Elizabeth Phillips, Hoppers Crossing

When private hospitals ‘cherry pick the easy stuff’

Private hospitals that perform surgery should be required to maintain a 24-hour emergency ward to admit their patients with post-surgical complications. Why are their patients told to go to public hospitals’ overcrowded emergency departments where staff have no history of their medical procedures?

Private hospitals should not be allowed to “cherry pick” the easy stuff and fob off their patients after hours. Maybe the “cosmetic cowboys” and underperforming surgeons would find it harder to operate if private hospitals had to fund the true cost of their procedures.
Regina Fox, retired nurse, Macleod

The importance of informed consent in trials

There is no doubt that the new clinical trial testing different oxygen levels on preterm babies (The Age, 23/8) is very worthwhile. However, for any ethics committee to approve this project without informed consent by the babies’ parents is totally wrong.

I have been involved in ethics committee work with Victoria’s Department of Human Services. To say that consent would be too difficult or the chance of participants not agreeing is not justifiable. Informed consent is an integral part of research and there is plenty of opportunity to gain it with just a bit of thought and work.
Bob Cornelis, Wonthaggi

Those who struggle, at home, after leaving hospital

Daniel Andrews says, “If you’re well enough to leave a hospital bed to go to Mickelham [quarantine centre], then you’re well enough to go home” (The Age, 23/8). If you are going home to private premises with live-in support, perhaps.

However, for people in public accommodation (or no permanent home), or whose family cannot stay with them, or who rely on public transport, or who cannot shop, cook and clean for themselves, leaving hospital is at least uncomfortable and at worst dangerous.

Mickelham may not be a hospital, but would, with minimal nursing supervision, provide guests secure, clean surroundings, catering, and the opportunity to rest and recover. Surely that is a better use of the more than $1.5million spent to run the facility each week.
Elizabeth Morris, Elsternwick

A great idea, Premier, if we can find enough GPs

Daniel Andrews has announced that five GP primary care centres will treat those who do not need an emergency response but are seeking urgent treatment for mild infections, fractures or burns. I am all for these extra clinics but wonder where the GPs will come from as there already seems to be a shortage of them.
Also, according to figures from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, the number of young doctors choosing to specialise in general practice has fallen to its lowest in more than five years (The Age, 29/5).
Barb Hilling, Watsonia


Excluding marginalised

I know someone with schizophrenia. Like many people with her condition she chain smokes to help manage her symptoms. She cannot go more than an hour or so without lighting up. Of course it is bad for her, but at the age of nearly 70 she is hardly likely to stop.

The City of Melbourne’s proposal to further restrict smoking and vaping in the CBD (The Age, 23/8) would effectively restrict her, and others like her, from accessing parts of the city.

It is yet another example of well-meaning but ultimately controlling behaviour foisted on the public by middle-class do-gooders. If the council is serious about protecting our lungs, how about banning diesel vehicles from the city instead of excluding some of our most marginalised people?
Peter Hogg, North Melbourne

Breach of conventions

Ministerial appointments without disclosure may be legal but they are unethical and highlight the need for a federal ICAC. However, potentially they are the tip of the iceberg. The parliamentary conventions are far wider than ministerial appointments and their non-disclosure. As long as all the conventions are not enshrined in legislation, a breach of any of them is likely to be held not to be illegal, as it should be.
Ian Pitt, Brighton

A dishonourable man

The only reason Scott Morrison’s actions were not technically illegal is that lawmakers would never have considered any honourable prime minister would act as he has. He will always be defined by this dishonourable act.
Margaret Stead, Frankston

Libs must expel Morrison

The most treacherous aspect of Scott Morrison’s duplicitous power grab is that, but for the Coalition’s election loss, we probably would have remained oblivious to the breach of constitutional conventions. As a deterrent for future politicians, and for his conduct, Morrison should be expelled from his party.
Carlo Ursida, Kensington

Joyce’s new persona

Barnaby Joyce, now playing the oppressed, quivering partner, was concerned about losing power and ministers if he challenged Scott Morrison’s decisions.

Gee, from the outside it seemed that Joyce and the Nationals had the upper hand in the Coalition’s party room when it came to getting what they wanted and even, on occasion, threatening to walk away. They played us like mugs. Both Morrison and Joyce should leave Parliament, ashamed and in disgrace.
Patrick Alilovic, Pascoe Vale South

Thanks, but no thanks

I am unimpressed by Qantas’ offer of a $50 voucher to its customers (The Age, 22/8). I would rather it gave me back the $5000-plus I am owed, and the double-status credit points I was promised, after I agreed to take travel passes rather than a refund for COVID-cancelled flights.

I tried unsuccessfully to use the passes over six months ago to book overseas flights. Despite many unanswered emails and hours on the phone, the best Qantas staff can tell me (if I can get through) is that my money is “floating” or in “limbo” and that they will get back to me. They don’t.

I don’t blame staff but rather the leadership – all puff and promise and no delivery. I would not expect this treatment from a budget carrier, let alone one that promotes itself, and charges, as a premium carrier and purports to reward loyalty. The warm glow of becoming a gold frequent flyer has faded.
Alison Weber,Canterbury

Service with a smile

Like many others, I am underwhelmed by Qantas’ $50 offer. I would prefer that money went towards recruitment and improved conditions for staff.

However, my recent experience with Qantas’ customer service was outstanding. I want to give a shout out to staff at Townsville Airport who went above and beyond to reunite me with a much-loved Kindle I had left in a seat pocket. Thanks, Qantas.
Maryanne Barclay, Frankston South

Promote rail, not air travel

I am not interested in the apology from Alan Joyce. What I am interested in is the threat of real competition to the airlines. This could be established by the railways if they were funded properly and had a sophisticated booking system in conjunction with comfortable dining cars and sleeping accommodation.

Rail travel has been deliberately starved of funds to force people onto the nightmare of air travel. Just imagine, no more lost luggage, queueing for hours, baggage searches or plastic food. At least within mainland Australia, long-distance travel would be a comparative pleasure.
Vaughan Greenberg, Chewton

Urgent action needed

Isabelle Henry (Letters, 23/8) says addressing food waste has both financial and environmental impacts, and action must occur at many levels. While many can plan their purchases to avoid wasting food and dollars, and prevent waste producing climate-warming methane in landfill, federal action on food labelling remains key.

Ronni Kahn, CEO of OzHarvest, says adopting changes to best-before dates on food, as in other countries, would help Australia reach its goal of halving food waste by 2030 (The Age, 21/8). With food waste estimated to create around a third of all greenhouse gases, we need to act on all opportunities.
Karen Campbell, Geelong

Fighting via ‘green armies’

Congratulations on another fine editorial highlighting the perils of inaction in regard to climate change (The Age, 23/8). However, as Australia contributes less than 5per cent of global carbon emissions, I would suggest we need to do more to assist neighbouring countries which struggle to feed themselves, let alone mitigate the effects of large-scale pollution.

How about we establish green armies of highly skilled Australians who are ready to support interested countries on innovative practices to reduce global warming? Increased funding via the Foreign Affairs Department to implement these projects should follow.

Designated environmental studies at senior secondary schools, and tertiary courses to train up these green armies, might be a good starting point. Australia must become a global leader in the fight to ensure a more liveable world for future generations.
Tony Ross, Bunyip

Why the extra charge?

AFL finals roll around again, and again I question the exorbitant service fees charged by ticketing agencies. The fee of $7.70 per transaction is many multiples of what must be the actual cost of the service. We print our own tickets or receive them on our phones. The IT systems are mature and well-developed. The days of queues outside agencies are long gone. It is time to consign the “service fee” to history as well.
Ken Richards, Elwood

Never again, Essendon

Like Steve Dixon (Letters, 23/8), I too was a lifelong supporter of Essendon. I “sacked” them a couple of years ago as I was totally shattered by their years of appalling management. I hope James Hird returns to their coaching team. They thoroughly deserve him.
Ann Leith, Canterbury

A master of his craft

Sports journalism at its best from Greg Baum (The Age, 22/8). As just a casual observer of footy, I was enthralled by his description of the Collingwood-Carlton match, so much so that I did not need to be there. But then after reading it, I wish I had been. No social media post will ever replace the beauty of such well-crafted, long form journalism as this. Thank you, Greg.
Xavier Duff, Brunswick West

When ‘sorry’ isn’t enough

So it is OK for a footballer, a team captain no less, to vilely sledge an opponent, reducing him to tears, and yet receive no punishment because he publicly apologised to the footballer and his family. This could be a dangerous precedent.
John Cummings, Anglesea

Issue of where to live

I wonder how many of these hundreds of thousands of migrants that business wants to attract to Australia will come when they realise they will never be able to afford a house and even paying rent will be a struggle.
Barry Lizmore, Ocean Grove

Not a matter of either/or

Suggestions that the government should educate more doctors, nurses, teachers, aged care workers etc to relieve our shortfall of skilled workers make sense.

However, this will not address the problem in the short-term. Clearly there is a need to bring in overseas workers initially while we educate more specialist workers to ensure there is an ample supply to cover future needs. We need a sensible combination of both courses of action.
Bill Pimm, Mentone

Workers are already here

It was never the right thing to heap cruelty on top of their trauma when people came by sea seeking asylum. There are 30,000 people in Australia who have been pleading for nine years for the right to work and rebuild their lives, contributing to the social and economic life of the country.

Refugees have skills and ideas to contribute. They are already here. No expensive, overseas marketing campaign is needed. They know us and want to stay. Let’s admit we need them and make them part of the worker solution considered at the Jobs Summit. Give them permanency and they will work.
Jean Ker Walsh, Woodend

A movie buff’s dream

Happy 30th birthday to Cinema Nova (The Age, 23/8). I am a devout fan and have been prioritising my weekly Monday visits over my work and family commitments for many years. Where else could one have the chance to see one of 25 films in one location? We moviegoers are spoilt for choice.
Linda Fisher, Malvern East

Making sense of BBLs

I am confused. In the front of The Age, BBL is Brazilian butt-lift but in Sport it is Big Bash League. The trifecta will be complete when, in the politics pages, it means Bloody Big Lies.
Ted Keene, Burwood East


Credit:Illustration: Matt Golding


Imagine how John Clarke and Bryan Dawe, with their brilliant wit, would have entertained us about ScoMo’s games.
David Wilson, Port Fairy

In proving himself to be a “serial filler”, Morrison has inflicted great harm to himself and his party.
Bonnie Carter, Stawell

Minister for everything, responsible for nothing, and with an unshakeable belief in his own infallibility.
Edward Lithgow, Maryborough

ScoMo, the gift that keeps on giving for the Labor Party.
Doris LeRoy, Altona

Jobs, jobs, jobs for me, me, me.
Ann Shephard, North Fitzroy

Scott, were five of your ministers unsuitable or inadequate?
Eve Gregory, Greensborough

If only Morrison had taken on the ministry for transparency and responsibility.
Arthur Pritchard, Ascot Vale


Is it morally OK to poach workers from countries which have paid to train them?
Helen Davison, Burnley

Stealing educated, skilled people from poorer countries is morally justified. It’s called white privilege.
David Hughes, South Melbourne

One reason teachers’ wages are low is they can’t claim overtime for the extra hours they work.
Glenise Michaelson, Montmorency

Wilcox’s “Job Summit” cartoon (23/8) is brilliant. She never fails to succinctly deliver a message.
Peter Carlin, Frankston South


Is it true that ScoMo secretly appointed himself as coach of Essendon?
Mark Brooks, Benalla

Clarkson made the right decision to walk away from a club so poorly governed as Essendon.
Joanna Wriedt, Eaglemont

Doggies, deck the Dockers.
Basil Theophilos, Castlemaine

Carlton caught the Colliwobbles.
David Charles, Newtown

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