Friday, 20 Sep 2024

Nearly 70 percent say US is greatest country to live in: poll

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A new poll shows that 69 percent of voters believe America is the greatest country to live in — but that sentiment has fallen 15 percentage points in the past decade.

In 2011, 84 percent of respondents said the US was the greatest, and 83 percent echoed that sentiment in 2015, a Fox News poll found.

This year, 26 percent of voters said the US is not the best country to live in — an increase of 12 percentage points since 2015.

The survey, released as the country prepares to celebrate its independence this Sunday, found that voters under age 45 had the biggest decline in positive views since 2015, recording a drop of 21 percentage points.

Other groups with declining views included Democrats (20 percent), women (18 percent) and blacks (17 percent).

Asked whether the country’s best days were still ahead, 52 percent agreed, but 39 percent said those days are in the past.

In 2012, 63 percent said they looked forward to the country’s best days and 57 percent said that in 2009.

Broken down by political party, 67 percent of Democrats, 41 percent of Republicans and 44 percent of independents say the best days are ahead, while 24 percent of Democrats, 50 percent of Republicans and 46 percent of independents say those days are over.

The poll also found that 56 percent of voters approve of the job President Biden is doing and 43 percent disapprove.

Regarding Congress, 34 percent approve and 61 percent disapprove. 

Asked about their financial situation, 17 percent said they were “getting ahead,” 56 percent said they were “holding steady,” and 27 percent said they were “falling behind.”

Eighty-three percent said they were most concerned with inflation, 77 percent with taxes, 74 percent with unemployment across the country, 69 percent with the deficit and 65 percent with interest rates. 

The poll was conducted between June 19 and 22 and surveyed 1,001 voters via landlines and cellphones. 

It has a plus/minus 3 percentage-point margin of error. 

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