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Michael Jackson sex abuse claims ‘disproved by victim Wade Robson’s own MUM’
Mike Smallcombe, author of Making Michael, has said court documents of Wade Robson’s cast doubt over the allegations Wade made in the HBO’s Leaving Neverland documentary.
Smallcombe claims a testimony from Joy in 1993 shows at least some of Wade’s allegations in the HBO documentary Leaving Neverland cannot be true.
Speaking to Mirror Online, the biographer said Wade claimed the abuse started when his family went on holiday to the Grand Canyon, leaving the boy behind with Jacko.
But Robson’s mum Joy told a court in 1993 that her son did join them on the trip, according to Smallcombe.
“While this doesn’t categorically rule out that Jackson abused Wade Robson, it does make you wonder if this extremely detailed and key story in the documentary has been fabricated”
Mike Smallcombe
The author said: “In the documentary, Wade Robson described how he and his then 10-year-old sister stayed in Jackson’s bedroom the first two nights they were ever at Neverland in January 1990.
“Wade then claimed that his family left to go to the Grand Canyon, while he stayed behind with Jackson alone at Neverland for the next five days.
“Wade claimed it was then when he was first abused by Jackson, going into graphic detail about what had allegedly happened over the course of several nights.”
Smallcombe added: “His mother, Joy Robson, testified under oath in a deposition in 1993/1994 in relation to the Jordie Chandler case that Wade had actually gone with them on that trip to the Grand Canyon, before the entire family returned to Neverland for the second time the following weekend.
“Joy Robson had no reason to lie about this; she openly admitted that Wade stayed with Jackson alone on other occasions.
“She could have said, ‘Wade stayed behind with Michael when we went away to the Grand Canyon between weekends’, it wouldn’t have made a difference.”
Smallcombe then described how Joy’s version of events conflicted with her son’s.
He continued: “Her words in that deposition were, ‘We went to the ranch for the first weekend, and then we left and went to the Grand Canyon, and we toured. We came back to the ranch for the following weekend’.
“She was asked to elaborate on who had gone to the Grand Canyon, and she said ‘my family’. There was no mention of Wade staying behind.
“To confirm this, later on, she revealed that the first time Wade stayed alone with Jackson at the ranch without her was actually in 1993.
“She said, ‘My son has never been to the ranch without me up until this year (1993)’.”
Smallcombe added that when Wade Robson testified in defence of Jackson in 2005, he claimed that the only time he had been at Neverland without his mum was sometime in 1992 or 1993, when Macaulay Culkin and Jordie Chandler were also there.
Smallcombe continued: “When giving evidence and asked if his sister had stayed in the bed with him ‘the entire time’ they were at Neverland on that first trip, Wade answered ‘yes’.
“Meaning he never stayed alone with Jackson during that trip.
“His mum corroborated that when giving evidence the following day.”
Smallcombe alleged that Robson himself was not clear on the details.
The journalist added: “In one email to his mother, he also asked her scores of questions about what had happened that first weekend at Neverland.
“That was when Wade was drafting a book about the alleged abuse, having failed to get the Cirque du Soleil job with the Estate.
“All of this shows that Wade’s story about being abused that first time, while the rest of his family had supposedly left the ranch to go to the Grand Canyon, is false.
“Of course, while this doesn’t categorically rule out that Jackson abused Wade Robson, it does make you wonder if this extremely detailed and key story in the documentary has been fabricated.”
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