Monday, 20 Jan 2025

Melania Trump 'beams from ear-to-ear' during White House event just 36 days before Bidens move in

MELANIA Trump "beams from ear-to-ear" during a White House event just 36 days before the Bidens move in.

The first lady was seen grinning at the Children's National Hospital in Washington DC on Tuesday.

Melania told the event's attendees: "It is wonderful to be here. This is one of my favorite events during holiday time. I’m very excited and looking forward to reading a book."

She then read Oliver the Ornament by Todd Zimmerman, while saying hello to the author who was in the crowd.

Addressing the children that were too sick to leave their rooms, Melania said: "Stay strong and well, and Merry Christmas and happy holidays."

Photos from the event left spectators admiring how happy the first lady looked.

One Twitter user said: "I bet she can’t wait to be free from DT [Donald Trump] – I’d be smiling about that."

"Shes happy she can soon escape," one Facebook user wrote. With another saying: "Shes happy because shes leaving the cheese puff looking guy she married in 36 days."

Another even said that this was the "first time I've ever seen her smile."

Metro reported that Melania "looked as happy as she has ever been," despite her time in DC coming to a close.

The moment was captured just 36 days before President-elect Joe Biden and Dr Jill Biden move into the White House.

Claims have recently circulated that Melania just "wants to go home" to Mar-a-Lago and asked if she'd be getting any funds or staff after leaving White House.

The 50-year-old is apparently laying the groundwork for her East Wing exit and plans the family's move to Mar-a-Lago, Florida, according to reports.

"She just wants to go home," a source familiar with the first lady's state of mind told CNN, adding that Trump running again in four years time "might not go over well" with his wife.

The publication reported that Melania's unpaid volunteer office aide Marcia Lee Kelly was instructed to discreetly find out from the Office of Management and Budget if some taxpayers' money was allocated to Flotus.

However, the answer was a resounding no as outgoing first ladies only receive a meagre $20,000-a-year pension – and only when their husband dies.

But insiders said Melania is busy putting all her energy and focus into the Washington DC departure from the White House, where there's an inventory being taken of her furniture, art, and personal belongings.

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