Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Meghan and Harry ‘used royal status they shunned’ for Spotify deal claims Lady C

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have used the royal status they shunned to land a £30million Spotify deal to produce "very boring" podcasts, according to Princess Di's biographer.

Aristocrat Lady Colin Campbell believes that they had only landed the megabucks deal due to their privileged rank.

The author, who has penned best-selling books on Di and The Queen Mum, said that she believed they would never have clinched such a contract if they were the ordinary members of the public they now claimed to be.

She warned their woke podcasts promised to be duller than a 1955 parson's sermon.

The duo have signed a deal with the digital streaming giant to produce and host their own shows to `elevate under-represented voices'.

Under newly-formed venture Archewell Audio they vowed to start with a `holiday special' that `uplifts audiences around the world'.

But Lady Colin, 71, said she was not sure how the couple's chat could be worth the cash.

"I think we have to wait and see what they come up with,'' she told the Daily Star.

"It has to be said so far everything they’ve come up with has been very boring really, unless you want to be lectured to – rather fuller than the dullest sermon from the most boring parson in a country church in 1955.''

Asked if she believed they would be obliged to spill royal secrets to justify such a fee she replied: "People normally don't pay for nothing.

"In business most people expect their pound of flesh. Harry and Meghan are worth a very great deal of money to a certain type of very woke left wing political agenda sort of personality and I think that needs to be factored into any equation.

"They are happy to deliver the goods politically. But it is not only humanitarianism, it’s a political agenda. That’s the reality of what’s going on.''

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Asked if the couple would have secured such a deal had they not been the Duke and Duchess of Sussex Lady Colin replied: "Obviously not.

"It’s entirely due to their rank. And her hustling.''

Good Morning Britain host Piers Morgan said: "The one thing the world definitely needs right now is those two absurd ultra-woke freeloading chancers giving us yet more of their views on life from the sanctity of their $11 million Californian mansion.

"As with everything the Duke and Duchess of Sussex seem to do these days their new commercial venture appears to be driven by large dollops of narcissism, hypocrisy and greed.

"The Sussexes are thus making themselves very rich very quickly by trading off their association with the Royal Family, despite quitting Britain and royal duty because they didn't want to do any of the menial tasks that other royals have to do to justify all the perks that come with their titles.

"Frankly, and I've said this many times, it stinks.'"

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On social media the pair were blasted for putting themselves back into the spotlight after appearing to step out it by quitting royal duties.

One Twitter user wrote: "Hi guys, I'm Harry! And I'm Meghan. And we love our privacy. New podcast deal to uplift and entertain audiences around the world will defo amuse.

"Should have called it train-crash radio. Be prepared for more woke preaching and product placement.''

Another wrote: "Prince Harry and Meghan Markle left the royal family because they sought the same kind of normal, private life regular people enjoy.

"They longed for the life's simple and anonymous pleasures, like launching a new heavily publicised podcast and national promotional tour.''

Another said: "Why on earth do they think we want to listen to their woke word salad?''

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While another wrote: "Didn't they leave the UK to escape the public eye?''

Spotify has not revealed what the couple's contract is worth but sources said they would be paid £20m to £30m.

The agreement comes months after the pair agreed a £100m partnership with Netflix and days after Meghan invested in a $28-per-pack oat-milk "superlatte" business later promoted for free by her LA neighbour Oprah Winfrey.

A royal source said Meghan had been "incredible" in meetings with Spotify executives and "had a clear vision of what they as a couple have to offer".

Earlier this year Michelle Obama launched her own podcast for an undisclosed fee and had her husband Barack on as one of her first guests.

A trailer clip of Archewell Audio released yesterday opened with Harry saying to his wife "ladies first", before Meghan replied: "No you say it first because I think it sounds really nice with your accent.''

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The Duke of Sussex then said, "Archewell Audio" before they said together: "Let's do it.'' The pair introduced themselves by their first names instead of their royal titles.

But – copying the Queen's most famous phrase – Meghan went on: "One of the things my husband and I have always talked about is our passion for meeting people and hearing their stories.

"And no matter what the story they usually offer an understanding of where someone else is coming from. And in some way, remind you of a story about yourself.''

Harry added: "And that is what this story is all about. To bring forward different perspectives and voices that perhaps you haven't heard before. And find our common ground. Because when that happens change really is possible.''

They pair said: "We can't wait to share it with you.''

Harry signed off with an American-sounding "happy holidays" while Meghan ended with a British "cheers".

  • Good Morning Britain
  • Netflix
  • Twitter
  • Meghan Markle
  • Piers Morgan
  • Prince Harry
  • Queen
  • Crime
  • Money
  • Pound
  • Royal Family

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