Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024

Man walks his dog from fourth-storey window amid coronavirus lockdown

Chinese pet owner walks his dog from third-storey window with a makeshift leash after being banned from leaving home amid coronavirus lockdown

  • The quarantined pet owner in China resorted to an extreme dog-walking method
  • With an 59-foot makeshift rope, the man walked his dog from his third-floor flat 
  • Shocking footage shows the man lowering the dangling pooch from his window
  • The video sparked a storm of criticism from netizens who called it ‘dangerous’ 

A pet owner in China has faced a fierce backlash online after he walked his dog from a third-floor window with a makeshift leash during coronavirus lockdown.

Shocking footage shows the resident lowering the dangling pooch from their high-rise flat with an extended rope made of old clothes, sending it onto the ground in north-eastern Heilongjiang province.

After walking the dog, the man drags the animal back to the flat about 12 metres (39 feet) above the ground by pulling up the rope.

The video was filmed on Sunday in the city of Suihua in Heilongjiang province, part of China’s northern regions which have been hit by a fresh wave of coronavirus infections recently

The pet owner, Mr Li, said that he had to resort to the extreme method after being banned from leaving his home amid the lockdown. 

The video was filmed on Sunday in the city of Suihua in Heilongjiang province, part of China’s northern regions which have been hit by a fresh wave of coronavirus infections in recent weeks.

Tens of millions were put under stringent lockdowns while Chinese authorities imposed travel restrictions and mass testing in a bid to curb the spread.

The quarantined pet owner said he came up with the idea of walking his dog from his flat window as he used to walk his dogs three times a day.

‘The dog used to get walked three times a day and it’s used to relieve itself outdoors,’ Mr Li told The Beijing Television.

Shocking footage shows the resident lowering the dangling pooch with an extended rope made of old clothes from their high-rise flat, sending it onto the ground in Heilongjiang 

After the video became viral on Chinese social media, many users were appalled by the pet owner’s method, slamming it as ‘dangerous’ and ‘irresponsible’

‘The dog kept barking while holding it in [during the lockdown], so I was forced to come up with this idea.’

With an 18-metre (59-foot) leash made of old clothes, the owner is seen in the video lowering the dog from the third-floor window until it reaches the ground.

He then ‘walks’ the dog by holding the rope from his flat before eventually lifting the animal back up.

Media reports did not specify the height, but a third-floor flat in China is about 12 metres (39 feet) above the ground.

After the video became viral on Chinese social media, many users were appalled by the pet owner’s method, slamming it as ‘dangerous’ and ‘irresponsible’.

One commenter wrote: ‘It could easily break or slip, this is way too dangerous!’

Another one replied: ‘This is not cute nor funny. An irresponsible owner who doesn’t treat his pet like family.’ 

Source: Read Full Article

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