Monday, 23 Sep 2024

Man says he was bitten by bus passenger after asking him to wear mask

A disabled man claims he was bitten by an angry bus passenger in Belgium after asking him to properly wear his mask, reports said.

Robert Murphy, who lives in Merksem in Antwerp, said he was chomped on twice on the chest by the 38-year-old man who boarded the bus with his partner, LADbible reported, citing Dutch daily newspaper AD Media.

The couple had their masks tucked under their chins and sat directly across from Murphy, 56, prompting the Irishman to ask them to put the coverings on the right way.

“I just asked the man to wear the mask properly over his nose,” he said.

The man refused, Murphy said, and a fight ensued.

“I tried to pull myself free, but I am disabled so it was not easy,” Murphy said. “We tussled until the man threw himself at my chest and bit me. I couldn’t believe it. He was like a mad dog.

“I pushed him away, but he wouldn’t leave me alone. The whole time he tried to bite me again.”

Other passengers yanked the man off Murphy and the couple jumped off the bus and fled. They were later arrested by Belgium police.

Murphy went to the hospital for treatment for the bite marks.

“Strangely enough, the doctor doesn’t want to do a COVID-19 test because I cannot show that the other person, the biter, was infected with the virus. Fingers crossed,” he said.

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