Monday, 7 Oct 2024

Macron warns EU could ‘collapse’ over coronavirus – ‘The whole of Europe will fall’

An agreement reached between EU states means aid over coronavirus will come in the form of loans and must be repaid. According to The Telegraph, German Chancellor Angela Merkel rejected handing out grants of money and said if the EU going to spend vast sums of money, all states will have to submit to tax policies. Mr Macron warned: “If you let part of Europe fall, the whole of Europe will fall.”

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He said if northern states continued to “profit” from the south, there is a risk that one day the single market will be “no longer there”.


He explained: “The countries that are blocking are the same ones as ever, the frugals: Germany, the Netherlands, whose deep psychology and political constraints justify very hard positions.”

However, such a U-turn in policy cannot be easily done.

First, it violates treaty law, but it also breaches German Basic Law and the Bundestag tax and spend prerogatives.

Mr Macron, however, rejected the notion that loans could be the solution: “That won’t resolve the underlying issue.”

He suggested a Marshall Plan type coronavirus response.

The Marshall Plan was a foreign aid initiative organised by the US to support the rebuilding of Europe following the Second World War.

A coronavirus response package would be based on “joint aid” and “budgetary transfers” to the hardest-hit regions.

Mr Macron warned: “Our Europe has no future if we don’t do this.”

European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde warned the Eurozone could contract by 15 percent this year.

Ms Largarde warned EU leaders about repeating past mistakes and doing “too little, too late”.

She also warned that whilst strong states were spending up to 14 percent of GDP on keeping the economies healthy, some countries had this figure as low as one percent, which could lead to lasting damage.


Germany on the brink: Coalition announces extra aid (NEWS)
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France has reported nearly 22,000 coronavirus related deaths since the outbreak began.

Paris has banned the sale of nicotine products online and limited their sale in pharmacies.

Researchers suggested nicotine could play a role in defeating coronavirus.

Data from a Parisian hospital suggested that smokers were statistically less likely to be admitted for treatment for Covid-19.

Germany has had 5,354 coronavirus deaths so far.

Gerald Gass, the president of the German Hospitals Society said: “Germany is prepared for a possible second wave.

“In the coming months, we plan to keep around 20 percent of our beds with respiratory assistance free.

“We want to be able to free up a further 20 per cent at 72 hours’ notice if a second wave comes.”

Soldiers are converting a Berlin exhibition centre into a 1,000-bed hospital.

Source: Read Full Article

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