Monday, 23 Sep 2024

Less combative, sole surviving Paris attack suspect draws laughter in courtroom

Paris: The lone survivor of the cell of Islamic State group terrorists who attacked Paris on November 13, 2015 has been questioned in depth for the first time, describing a close family life and his neighbourhood acquaintance with many of the other defendants.

Salah Abdeslam, who discarded a malfunctioning explosive vest on that day and fled, is one of 20 men on trial for the coordinated attacks that killed 130 people outside a sports stadium, at crowded restaurants and at a Bataclan rock concert.

A court sketch of key defendant Salah Abdeslam at a hearing in September.Credit:AP

All the attackers who fired at people or detonated explosive vests that night died. The men now on trial are largely accused of helping with logistics or transportation. Six of the 20 are being tried in absentia.

The hearing on Tuesday, Paris time, followed five weeks of testimony from survivors as well as grieving families, including relatives of a man who later killed himself after struggling with the trauma. At the start of the trial in September, Abdeslam wore all black, spoke harshly and identified his profession as “fighter for Islamic State”. He said the deaths of so many innocent people were “nothing personal”.

This time he wore a soft grey cardigan and a pale buttoned shirt and spoke softly.

During more than two hours of questioning in a purposely built courtroom in Paris, the 32-year-old portrayed himself as a formerly “good student”, an amateur sportsman and “not a delinquent”, The Washington Post reported.

The testimony this week is laying out the psychological backgrounds of the defendants and started alphabetically with Abdeslam and Mohamed Abrini, who was with the group of attackers until the eve of the attack. Abrini was detained in the aftermath of the March 2016 attacks in Brussels, carried out by an overlapping group of Islamic State extremists.

A court sketch of Salah Abdeslam, right, and Mohammed Abrini in the courtroom in September. Credit:AP

One of Abdeslam’s older brothers, Brahim, died the night of the Paris attacks after detonating his own explosives vest at a café. Abdeslam described his remaining family, which includes his mother and younger sister who visit him in prison and two other older brothers, including one who was fired from his municipal job after the attacks.

Abdeslam, a French citizen of Moroccan descent who was born and raised in Belgium, skipped from one job to the next after graduating from technical school, and racked up a series of convictions for traffic offences and a burglary.

Salah Abdeslam, left, walking through a market in Brussels in 2016, is one of 20 people on trial for the 2015 Paris attacks.Credit:AP

He had known nearly all those accused alongside him from the Molenbeek neighbourhood of Brussels, where he grew up. Abrini was his neighbour and among his closest friends. The two chat regularly on the sidelines of the trial.

“Molenbeek is small. Everyone knows each other,” Abdeslam said. He described going out for drinks with multiple defendants, gambling and nights out at the discotheque.

“I was imbibed with Western values,” he said. When pressed later, he said those values included “living like a libertine, without a thought for God. Doing what you want.”

At times, the atmosphere turned strangely jovial as he drew laughter after discussing his nights out in Belgian clubs: “I’m not really a dancer”. Asked why he didn’t request to be released from prison, Abdeslam said he could hardly imagine that “you’re going to let me go”, according to The Washington Post.

Abdeslam, who is in solitary confinement, said he watched television periodically but primarily was interested in the brief sports activities he is permitted. His cell has two surveillance cameras.

“To live with cameras 24 hours a day, I can tolerate it, thanks to the Lord, but it’s something that could push you to suicide,” he said under questioning from his lawyer. “They were installed to keep me from suicide, but there is no privacy. Even animals are not treated like this.”

Abrini also described a comfortable family life while growing up next door to Abdeslam and with Abdelhamid Abaaoud, who led the 2015 attack, living nearby.

“We did not leave our mother’s belly with a Kalashnikov,” he said.


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