Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024

Left-wing luvvies back Jeremy Corbyn and praise hard-left manifesto

Steve Coogan, Mark Rylance and Labour anti-Semitism denier Ken Loach back Jeremy Corbyn and praise his hard-left manifesto for putting ‘needs of people and the planet over private profit’

  • A slew of left-wing luvvies praised his ‘transformative’ plans for the country 
  • Some 40 backed a letter to the Guardian that also criticised Boris Johnson
  • Many are long-term supporters of the Labour leader from the hard left

A slew of left-wing luvvies praised Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘transformative’ plans for the country today as they backed the Labour leader in a gushing letter today.

Alan Partridge comic Steve Coogan, Oscar-winning actor Sir Mark Rylance and Labour anti-Semitism denier and director Ken Loach are among 40 figures from the arts who signed a letter attacking Boris Johnson.

The creatives, some of whom are well known and others whose identity will be a mystery to the public, accuse the Prime Minister of having ‘nothing to offer but the prospect of an ever more unequal and divided society, and dog-whistle politics’.

In the letter, published in the Guardian, they wrote: ‘We are shamed by extreme levels of inequality, neglect and environmental impoverishment resulting from decades of neoliberalism, in Britain and across the world. 

Alan Partridge actor Steve Coogan is among the signatories of the letter to the Guardian today in support of Mr Corbyn

Sir Mark Rylance (left), who won an Oscar for his role in Steven Spielberg’s Bridge of Spies, and U2 producer Brian Eno (right), both signed the letter

Pink Floyd bassist Roger Waters has previously compared the Israeli government to the Nazi regime

‘We are inspired by growing movements, from Chile to Lebanon and beyond, calling for dignity, accountability and economic justice. 

‘People are demanding a future that promises their children decent education, health, jobs and homes, and humane and sustainable solutions to the climate crisis.

‘In the UK, Labour’s election manifesto under Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership offers a transformative plan that prioritises the needs of people and the planet over private profit and the vested interests of a few.’

Many of the signatories of the letter are well-known and long-running supporters of Jeremy Corbyn, including Sir Mark, Mr Loach, the poet Michael Rosen and anarchic comedian Alexei Sayle.

Other names come from the wide far left movement, including American Marxist writer Noam Chumsky, Canadian writer Naomi Klein and former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis.

They are frequently found lending their names to letters defending Mr Corbyn from political opponents.

Loach last year demanded that Labour MPs who demonstrated against anti-Semitism were kicked out of the party.

The 83-year-old Kes director, who made Labour’s campaign broadcasts before the 2017 election, said their support for a protest by Jewish leaders outside Parliament were ‘dirty tricks’. 

This year he talked about the ‘smear’ of anti-Semitism, called for ‘open hearings’ within the party, and said evidence should be ‘interrogated’.

He launched a scathing attack on Dame Margaret Hodge, a vocal critic of the party leadership, at an event in March, describing the incident where she called Mr Corbyn a racist and anti-Semite as a ‘foul-mouthed slander that should have been dealt with’.

PinkFloyd Roger Waters has previously compared Israel’s government to the Nazi regime.

His 2013 comments saw him accused of anti-Semitism and he continues to refuse to visit or perform in Israel.

High-profile lawyer Michael Mansfield is also among the names on the letter. The vegetarian, 77, recently said eating meat could be made illegal as a ‘crime against humanity’.

And Varoufakis was finance minister in the Greek Syriza government, but resigned after a few months when it did a u-turn and agreed to an EU deal to sort out the Mediterranean nation’s faltering economy.

The luvvie list in full 

 Ronan Bennett – writer and producer

Noam Chomsky – author

Chipo Chung – actor

Clean Bandit – band

Steve Coogan – actor

Rob Delaney – actor

David Edgar – playwright

Brian Eno – musician

Andrew Feinstein – film producer

Stephen Frears – film director

David Graeber – author

Steve Gribbin – comedian

Kane ‘Kano’ Robinson – rapper

Asif Kapadia – film director

Aki Kaurismaki –  film director

Peter Kennard – artist

AL Kennedy – author

Naomi Klein – author

Mike Leigh – film director

Ken Loach – film director

Lowkey – rapper

Sabrina Mahfouz – playwright

 Esther Manito – comedian

 Michael Mansfield – barrister

Francesca Martinez – comedian

Massive Attack – band

Bill McKibben – author and co-founder,

Robin ‘Scanner’ Rimbaud – musician

Michael Rosen – poet

Martin Rowson – cartoonist

Mark Rylance – actor

Alexei Sayle – comedian

Gillian Slovo – writer

Robyn Slovo – film producer

Ahdaf Soueif – author

Joelle Taylor – poet

Kate Tempest – musician

Jess Thom – artistic director, Touretteshero

Mark Thomas – writer

Yanis Varoufakis – economist and politician

Ashley Walters – actor

Roger Waters – musician

Benjamin Zephaniah – poet




Source: Read Full Article

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