Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Kidnapper sentenced to life for murder, rape of 5-year-old niece

The Utah monster accused of kidnapping, sexually assaulting and then murdering his 5-year-old niece, Elizabeth “Lizzy” Shelley, earlier this year will spend the rest of his life behind bars, according to a new report.

Alex Whipple, 21, took off with his niece on May 25, killed her and dumped her remains under trees a block away from the child’s home in Logan, authorities have said.

Because of the gruesome nature of the crime, 1st District Judge Kevin Allen said Tuesday that it was clear that Whipple should never be set free, according to The Salt Lake Tribune.

“You will never see the light of day,” Allen said, addressing Whipple before the sentencing. “You will never breathe free air again. What you did was so abhorrent and vile that you must spend the rest of your life in prison.”

And Cache County Attorney James Swink called the crime the worst he’s seen in his 22 years on the job, the Tribune reported.

“There is no worse crime than what the defendant committed,” Swink said. “There is no worse crime than sexually assaulting [his niece] and covering up the act by silencing her, by taking her breath from her.”

Relatives raged at Whipple during the hearing.

“You are filth,” Lizzy’s uncle, Zachary Black, said, according to the report. “I hope you spend the rest of your life in a tiny box.”

“I want you to rot,” an aunt chimed in, reading a letter written by Lizzy’s stepfather, Detrich Black. “I hope you remember every day what you did and that it haunts you. I hope you hate yourself as much as I do.”

Whipple’s defense attorney, Shannon Demler, urged the judge to consider granting his client a chance at parole some day — to no avail.

Whipple was physically abused as a child, went through periods of homelessness, and struggles with mental health issues as well as substance abuse, the lawyer claimed.

Demler also argued his client might still have some goodness inside.

“He wanted to tell the family, law enforcement and all the others where the body was so they could stop his sister and the people out searching from suffering anymore,” the attorney said, according to the Tribune.

Authorities scoured the area for five days before Whipple revealed the location of her remains in exchange for taking the death penalty off the table, Logan Police Chief Gary Jensen said at the time.

The uncle had been linked to her death through DNA evidence. The child’s blood was found on his watch and sweatshirt, according to court documents.

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