Sunday, 6 Oct 2024

Judge accuses ex Trump lawyer Sidney Powell of trying to undermine faith in democracy as lawsuits rejected

A JUDGE slammed Republicans for trying to "undermine" the election and faith in democracy, as Michigan and Georgia officials on Monday tossed out two suits from lawyer Sidney Powell.

The ruling came as Donald Trump and his campaign continue to try and fight the election results, as they make repeated claims of voter fraud.

Suits were filed by Powell – a former attorney for President Trump – in what she's dubbed the "Kraken".

U.S. District Judge Linda Parker in Detroit and U.S. District Judge Timothy Batten in Atlanta both tossed out suits Monday, citing a lack of evidence as Trump supporters continue to try and baselessly claim the election was fraudulent, Reuters reported.

Obama-appointed judge Parker of Michigan said the "ship has sailed," ABC reported.

"The people have spoken," Parker said of the election results, according to Reuters.

Parker added: “This lawsuit seems to be less about achieving the relief plaintiffs seek – as much of that relief is beyond the power of this court – and more about the impact of their allegations on people’s faith in the democratic process and their trust in our government."

Batten made similar comments, saying that the courts would not allow the results of the election to be overturned, Reuters reported.

"They want this court to substitute its judgment for that of two-and-a-half million Georgia voters who voted for Joe Biden, and this I am unwilling to do," Batten said during a hearing.

An attorney working on both cases with Powell told ABC the team plans to appeal both rulings.

Powell previously falsely claimed in an interview with Fox News that "Trump won this election by a landslide."

Elections officials have repeatedly said there is zero evidence of voter fraud that would alter the results of the election.

Attorney General Bill Barr also told the Associated Press last week: "to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

Officials on Monday certified elections results in Georgia – for a third time.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced that the results were made official after a third count, the Associated Press reported.

The Michigan and Georgia cases that were thrown out on Monday add to a growing list of states where other suits have been tossed – including Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, Reuters reports.

The suits being tossed came days after California certified the results of the election.

This means Joe Biden has now secured more than the majority 270 electoral college votes needed to win the election.

It also comes with just a day left for the "safe harbor" law deadline – which gives states six days before electors cast their votes to resolve outstanding issues, The Washington Post reported.

Electors cast their votes on December 14, meaning the deadline is Tuesday, December 8.

Trump continued to make his unbacked claims of election fraud on Tuesdy.

"The Republican Governor of Georgia refuses to do signature verification, which would give us an easy win. What’s wrong with this guy? What is he hiding?" Trump tweeted on Tuesday.

The claim was marked as "disputed" by Twitter.

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