Tuesday, 24 Sep 2024

Joe Biden says he will ‘transform the country’ if he beats Donald Trump in November – The Sun

JOE Biden tweeted Sunday night that if elected, his administration “won’t just rebuild this nation, we’ll transform it,” leaving speculation online as to what exactly the former vice president tweet meant.

“We’re going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won’t just rebuild this nation – we’ll transform it,” tweeted Biden, leaving many to speculate what exactly in the country will be transformed.

Biden’s tweet comes after a politically charged Fourth of July weekend, a nation that has been torn down as Black Lives Matter protests continue and the surging coronavirus pandemic.

Left wing critics expressed concern that he served in the upper level of government for over 40 years and didn’t help solve these major issues in the past.

His critics from the right insist that a Biden White House will take marching orders from Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wing of the party.Conservatives say that his vice president pick will be an indicator of his administration’s direction.

Last week, the president took to Twitter to troll his Biden saying the presidential hopeful wouldn’t pass a simple cognitive test.

“He cannot pass the test I ‘aced,” Trump tweeted alongside a Breitbard article entitled Joe Biden’s Claims of Cognitive Tests Unclear as Campaign Hides Results.

“He should give it a try!!!” he added after Biden said he had been tested for any cognitive issues after a number of highly-publicized gaffes.

Over the weekend, Kanye West announced that he’ll be running for president come November, but activists believe West’s presidential bid is a plot to steal votes from Biden.

The 21-time Grammy Award winning musician stunted fans when he announced on Twitter that he is running against the president and Biden, just four months away until polling day on November 3.

“We must now realize the promise of American by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future.

“I am running for president of the United States,” tweeted West.

CJ Pearson, president at activist youth organization Last Hope USA, said “If Kanye runs in 2020 he’d only take away votes from Joe Biden.”

“Young people are already unenthusiastic enough as is about Biden’s candidacy but he’d also chip away at Biden’s black support.”

“Trump voters are TRUMP voters. His base remains unchanged.”

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