Friday, 20 Sep 2024

Jealous boyfriend crashed mini after chasing girlfriend’s lover at 100mph – The Sun

A LOVE triangle led to a 100mph car chase through residential streets, a court heard.

Bradley Kitching, 24, flew into a rage after his girlfriend romped with John Carey, 27, and chased him “bumper to bumper” in his modified Mini Cooper.

He hit a speed bump and plunged into a pond, injuring two passengers.

Carey’s Vauxhall Astra VXR crashed into a tree and burst into flames.

Kitching, from Wetherby, West Yorks, admitted causing serious injury by dangerous driving.

He got nine months in jail and a 16-month road ban at York crown court.

Carey, from York, was acquitted of dangerous driving but admitted insurance fraud. He got a conditional discharge.

Prosecutor Chris Dunn said: “It is about a girl."

“The woman, also a car enthusiast, was playing one defendant off against another."

“She was indicating to Kitching she was sorry she had had a sexual relationship with Mr Carey – whilst still, behind the scenes, texting to Carey she wanted to see him.”

Kitching’s Mini was wrecked when he hit a speed bump at high speed in the main street of Stockton-on-the-Forest.

“It is nothing short of miraculous no-one was killed,” said Mr Dunn.

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