Tuesday, 1 Oct 2024

Israel election: Exit polls show Netanyahu in tight race with main rival Gantz

JERUSALEM- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing right-wing Likud Party appeared almost neck and neck with his main centrist rival for seats in parliament on election day, varying exit polls indicated.

After a tightly-fought race with former general Benny Gantz, the preliminary polls, all giving slightly different projections, mean Netanyahu, 69, is on course to continue leading the Israeli government, securing a record fifth term and becoming Israel’s longest-serving prime minister in the summer.

Meanwhile, Gantz claimed victory Tuesday, after two out of three TV exit polls gave his centrist party the biggest showing in parliamentary seats.

“We won! The Israeli public has had its say!” Gantz’s Blue and White party said in a statement. There was no immediate comment from Netanyahu’s conservative Likud.

Two exit polls predicted a parliamentary majority for a Netanyahu-led bloc of rightist parties. The third exit poll predicted this bloc would be tied with center-left parties that Gantz would have to enlist to form a coalition government.

— Reporting by Stephen Farrell, Dan Williams. More to come.

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