Saturday, 18 May 2024

ISIS jihadi walks free from jail as judge says he’s of GOOD CHARACTER

Moudasser Taleb, was arrested at Sydney Airport in 2017, and found guilty in April of preparing to travel to Syria for the purpose of engaging in hostile activities. Mr Taleb was 22-years-old when he was detained at the airport in June 2017. At the time of his arrest he had no plane ticket and little money. Mr Taleb’s defence had pleaded not guilty and claimed he had no intention of engaging in warfare.

He was later found to have videos on his phone of beheadings, people waving Isis flags and footage of battlefields.

They also claimed he was mentally ill at the time, and was diagnosed with schizophrenia after he entered custody.

At New South Wales supreme court, Justice Peter Hamill said the two years Mr Taleb had spend in custody was adequate and found him to be of good character.

Justice Hamill said he was aware of “professional critics of the court” who will criticise his decision.

However, the Judge pointed to the complex circumstances of the case “cry out for a sentence that fosters this young and mentally ill offender’s rehabilitation”.

He added Mr Taleb was “an inappropriate vehicle” for a sentence.

Justice Hamill said: “In many cases, the better way to protect society is to foster the rehabilitation of the offender even where the result appears to be a lenient one and may prove to be unpopular amongst commentators who appear to take the view that no sentence is ever long enough.”

Following the hearing Mr Taleb welcomed the ruling, he said: “I’d like to thank the judge for releasing me and I just want to put all of this behind me and move on with my life.”

The five-year behaviour bond is imposed with a set of strict conditions.

For the first two years Mr Taleb must not use messaging app Telegram.

In addition he is forbidden from access to any material controlled by IS or any other group espousing radical Islam and continue treatment for his mental illness.

Source: Read Full Article

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