Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

Iran says dual citizens killed in plane crash to be treated as Iranian citizens

Dual citizens killed in the downing of a Ukrainian passenger jet earlier this month near Tehran, Iran will be treated as Iranian citizens, the country’s foreign ministry announced on Monday.

In a televised weekly news conference, Abbas Mousavi, a spokesman for Iran‘s foreign ministry, said the country considers dual nationals killed in the downing of Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 earlier this month Iranian citizens, adding that the country is “mourning their deaths.”

“We have informed Canada that Tehran considers dual nationals who were killed in the plane crash as Iranian citizens,” Mousavi said.

Iran does not recognize dual nationality. While it is possible for an individual to hold both Iranian citizenship and a second citizenship, Iran only recognizes them as Iranian.

A total of 176 people were killed — including 57 Canadians — when Iran’s Revolutionary Guard used surface-to-air missiles to down the plane minutes after it took off.

Iran admitted responsibility for the incident but said it was “unintentional” and caused by “human error.”

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