Tuesday, 24 Sep 2024

Iran ‘blows up US Capitol’ in sickening fake attack video as nations hold nuclear showdown

Iran hits out at Israel after 'attack' on nuclear site

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The chilling clip was released as Tehran’s officials hold talks with European and American representatives in Vienna to try to salvage the nuclear deal. The footage was aired on state-controlled Iranian television, according to The Washington Free Beacon. It came shortly before the country’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, gave a speech praising the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).

The army branch is responsible for attacking US soldiers.

After America order the killing of the group’s leader Qassem Soleimani, the IRGC launched ballistic missiles at US troops at bases in Iraq.

No Americans were killed but many suffered traumatic brain injuries.

On Sunday Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani claimed the US had lost its “economic war” against the Islamic Republic.

He pointed to sanctions against his country which he claimed were on the “brink of extermination”.

Washington and Tehran’s indirect talks in Vienna are seeking to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), signed in 2015.

The deal constrained Iran’s nuclear ambitions in return for sanctions relief.

At the time it was seen as a major step towards making the Middle East and the wider world a safer place.

But former US President Donald Trump was not a fan.

He called it the “worst deal ever negotiated” and vowed to pull the US out of it during his bid for the Oval Office.

He followed through on his word in 2018 and imposed harsh sanctions on Iran and its regional allies.

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His actions increased tension with the hermit nation and drew the ire of the deal’s European signatories.

The killing of General Soleimani in an airstrike in Baghdad in January 2020 brought the region close to war.

But after Iran hit back at the US by attacking troops in Iraq, no further action was taken.

While President Joe Biden’s administration officials work to re-enter the nuclear deal, Republicans are looking at ways to make it harder for them.

GOP lawmakers will most likely try to use legislative tools tied to the sanctions Mr Trump put in place to counter President Biden’s efforts.

Meanwhile Israel, Iran’s arch-foe, is facing troubles of its own.

On Wednesday the country’s president chose Yair Lapid, a centrist politician and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s strongest rival, to try to form a new government, but his path to success was still uncertain.

Mr Netanyahu, 71, has been fighting to hold onto office through four inconclusive elections since 2019 and corruption allegations that he denies.

Failure to break the political deadlock would lead to a new election, adding to political turmoil while Israel faces challenges from Iran’s nuclear programme and pursues economic recovery after a swift rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine.

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