Monday, 7 Oct 2024

Indian and Chinese tanks 'go face-to-face at Himalayan border'

Indian and Chinese tanks ‘go face-to-face within 100 yards of each other on either side of disputed Himalayan region border’

  • Photo first shared on social media and story since picked up by pro-Beijing press
  • Shows tanks lined up against each other allegedly at the Line of Control (LAC) 
  • The frontier saw grisly hand-to-hand combat in June which left 20 Indians dead
  • Thousands of troops have been deployed to the region following the skirmish – the first deadly clash between the two nuclear-armed sides since 1975 

Chinese and Indian tanks are facing off just hundreds of yards from each other at their disputed Himalayan border, according to an image shared on Chinese media.

The photo shows armoured vehicles lined up against each other beside encampments along the 2,000-mile border where last year grisly hand-to-hand combat left 20 Indian soldiers dead.

The image was first shared on Chinese social media site Weibo by a ‘military blogger’ and the story has since been picked up by pro-Beijing news sites which boast of the prowess of their Type-15 tanks. 

Since June’s clash, the first deadly fighting in 45 years, India and China have heavily fortified their positions on either side of India’s Ladakh region and deployed thousands of troops.

The photograph was first shared on Chinese social media site Weibo by a ‘military blogger’ and the story has since been picked up by pro-Beijing news sites which boast of the prowess of their Type-15 tanks

Since June’s clash, the first deadly fighting in 45 years, India and China have heavily fortified their positions on either side of India’s Ladakh region 

On Monday, the Times of India reported that the Chinese had moved around 10,000 troops held in reserve up to the Line of Actual Control (LAC) – the line drawn by the foes after the 1962 Sino-Indian War.  

There are up to 35 Chinese tanks close to outposts captured by the Indian army in late August. It is not clear how many tanks the Indians have in reply.

Last year’s Galwan Valley battle led to boycotts of Chinese goods and furious protests on the streets of Indian capital New Delhi.

In November, the two sides began formulating a disengagement plan to withdraw troops and establish no-patrol zones, but the talks appear to have fallen through.  

The deaths of the soldiers are still bitterly felt by the Indian troops and they were remembered again on Friday during Army Day 2021 in Delhi.  

General Manoj Mukund Naravane lauded the ‘supreme sacrifice’ of the Galwan Valley ‘bravehearts.’

He said that the army ‘took swift action during the India-China LAC standoff’ to protect the border and a ‘befitting response’ was given to the Beijing ‘conspiracy’ to shift the frontier.

‘We are committed to finding the resolution of our disputes through discussions and political efforts but no one should test out patience,’ the general said.

Between April and May last year, the Indians claim that the Chinese deployed nearly 50,000 troops close to the boundary, as well as heavy artillery and the infrastructure to support its men.

Earlier this week, Beijing propaganda mouthpiece published an article which proudly boasted of the superiority of the Chinese Type 15 tanks against India’s T-17 and T-90s.

It said: ‘India has been operating on the western border for many years and has many practices in the use of tanks and armoured vehicles.

‘However, the PLA (People’s Liberation Army) was able to quickly form an advantage in the number of tanks at specific locations, and the level of equipment and technology was immediately superior.’ 

Last Friday, a Chinese solider was arrested by Indian forces after he allegedly strayed over the border. 

‘The PLA soldier is being dealt with as per laid down procedures, and circumstances under which he had crossed the LAC are being investigated,’ a statement from the Indian Army said.

The PLA claimed the soldier went missing in ‘the darkness and complicated terrain’ and insisted India was informed.

‘India should strictly abide by the relevant agreements between the two countries, and promptly transfer the missing person to China, to help with cooling and de-escalating the China-Indian border situation,’ the military newspaper added.

Another Chinese soldier was briefly held by Indian forces in the same region in October. 

In June, the Indian army accused the Chinese of using clubs fashioned with barbed wire and nails to beat their troops. The Galwan Valley clash left at least 20 Indian soldiers dead 

Prior to June’s deadly skirmish, footage was leaked which purported to show an Indian forces battering a PLA soldier in May 

Tensions flared between China and India last June when a clash along the disputed Himalayan border led to the death of at least 20 Indian soldiers.

In the following months, the nuclear-armed neighbours deployed tens of thousands of soldiers across India’s Ladakh region and China’s Tibetan plateau. 

India and China inherited their territorial disputes from the period of British colonial rule.

Three years after India’s independence in 1947 and a year after the communists came to power in China, the new government in Beijing began strongly asserting its claims and repudiating earlier treaties it says were signed under duress, but which India says are fixed.

Beijing’s approach has strengthened under Xi Jinping, China’s most powerful leader in decades who has sworn not to surrender even an inch of territory. 

In the 1950s, China started building a strategic road on the uninhabited Aksai Chin Plateau to connect its restive regions of Tibet and Xinjiang. 

India objected and claimed Aksai Chin as part of Ladakh, itself belonging to the former principality of Kashmir now divided between India and Pakistan.

Relations were further strained after India allowed Tibet’s spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, to establish a self-declared government-in-exile in the northern Indian town of Dharmsala after he fled his homeland in 1959 during an abortive uprising against Chinese rule.

The differences led to a bitter month-long war in 1962. Firefights broke out again in 1967 and 1975, leading to more deaths on both sides. 

They’ve since adopted protocols, including an agreement not to use firearms, but those protocols have fractured in this year’s clashes.

Prabhjot Singh, son of Satnam Singh, an Indian soldier who was killed in a border clash with Chinese troops in Ladakh region, reacts next to the coffin of his father during his funeral ceremony in Bhojraj village in Gurdaspur, Punjab India, on June 18, 2020

Indians burn images of Chinese President Xi Jinping in Bhopal on June 16 after news of the violence at the border broke

China, in the meantime, began cementing its relations with India’s arch-rival Pakistan and backing it on the issue of Kashmir. 

The fiercely contested LAC separates Chinese and Indian held territories from Ladakh in the west to India’s eastern state of Arunachal Pradesh, which China claims in its entirety. It is broken in parts where the Himalayan nations of Nepal and Bhutan border China.

According to India, the de facto border is 2,167 miles long, although China promotes a considerably shorter figure. 

As its name suggests, it divides the areas of physical control rather than territorial claims.

In all, China claims some 35,000 square miles of territory in India’s northeast, including Arunachal Pradesh with its mainly Buddhist population.

India says China occupies 15,000 square miles of its territory in the Aksai Chin Plateau, which India considers part of Ladakh, where the current face-off is happening.

Patch of uninhabitable desert that India and China have been fighting over for centuries 

The Himalayan border between India and China has been disputed for centuries, but the two countries have been fighting over it most recently since the 1960s.

In the 18th century it was fought over by the Russian, Chinese and British empires, and after India gained independence ownership of the region became more confused.

China values the region because it provides a trading route to Pakistan, and recent hostilities have been sparked by fears in Beijing that India will cut it off from the crucial overland corridor.

The current official border between the two was set by Britain and is known as the McMahon line. It is recognised by India but not by China.

In reality, the border between the two countries is on Line of Actual Control (LAC) where Indian and Chinese forces finished after the Sino-Indian War of 1962.

Aksai Chin, the site of the latest tensions, is located in India according to the official border but is claimed as part of the Chinese region of Xinjiang by Beijing.

It is an almost uninhabited high-altitude scrubland traversed by the Xinjiang-Tibet Highway.

The other disputed territory is hundreds of miles away to the east of Tibet.

The 1962 Sino-Indian War was fought on these two frontiers as Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru put it, a struggle over land where ‘not even a blade of grass grows.’ 

In addition to the disputed border, China had seized Tibet ten years before and accused India of trying to to subvert Beijing’s interests by granting asylum to the Dalai Lama.

There was also a Cold War element and India wanted to see if the US would back it in a confrontation against communist China.

Delhi had ignored the desolate corner of the subcontinent which allowed the Chinese to build a military road through it during the 1950s to connect the province of Xinjiang to Tibet.

The Indian discovery of this highway was a major factor which led to ferocious clashes leading up to the war. 

Yet the Indians had just two divisions posted at the border when the Chinese invaded, never suspecting that Beijing would be so bold as to cross the McMahon Line. 

The war lasted for one month and left more than 2,000 dead on both sides. It was a heavy defeat for India and led to the new border, the LAC, being established and pushing India back from McMahon line.

Much of the reason for the ongoing conflict is the ill-defined border, the result of a confused status the region had during the colonial era, which was made more murky by India’s war with Pakistan in 1947.

Chinese interest in the region surrounds President Xi Jinping’s centrepiece ‘Belt and Road’ foreign policy to have vast infrastructure throughout the old Silk Road. 

Beijing fears that increased Indian presence in the region will cut off its trade route to Pakistan.

The two sides have blamed each other for recent hostilities but analysts say India’s building of new roads in the region may have been the fuse for May’s standoff.

Both sides have dispatched reinforcements and heavy equipment to the zone.

Source: Read Full Article

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