Saturday, 27 Jul 2024

Huge bodybuilder guilty of stalking ex after she dumped him for ‘ugly’ gym rival

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    A burly 18-stone personal trainer has been found guilty of stalking his former girlfriend after bombarding her with messages calling her new partner an “ugly f****** kid”.

    Danny Baldwinson, who calls himself “Big Dan” on the web page of his his personal training business, repeatedly pestered his 26-year-old ex Aaliyah Baptiste despite repeatedly being asked to stop.

    Recordings of three abusive phone calls that Baldwinson made to Ms Baptiste were played to Croydon Magistrates Court, and the self-styled “Body Transformation Man” could be heard describing the man she was seeing as “a four out of ten”.

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    Ms Baptiste, herself an avid fitness fanatic, told the court that after a year of dating the defendant “I did not want any more contact, but he did not agree to end things”.

    “He said we could still be friends and train together,” she added, “but I did not want that and blocked him.

    “He tried to call me and I blocked the number and then he tried via social media and I blocked him again”.

    In addition to the calls and messages, Baldwinson would occasionally turn up to her local gym, Muscleworks in Orpington, at times when he knew she would be training.

    “He would pick the times I was training to see me and start a conversation,” she told the court. “I started to go to a different gym so I would not have to see him”.

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    Ms Baptiste finally decided to get the police involved when Baldwinson suddenly appeared outside her home in Bromley, south London.

    It was around 8am, she told the court, and she was getting ready for work when she heard the champion bodybuilder tapping at her bedroom window.

    Baldwinson, 32, told the court that Ms Baptiste had known about the visit in advance, and that he had only popped around to collect a few personal items he had left with her.

    He testified that his relationship with the fellow gym-fanatic had only soured after he had refused to lend her £2,000 for a personal training course.

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    However Ms Baptiste said she had been “scared” by the visit, adding: “For someone to knock on the window and lean in is quite scary”.

    She recorded the encounter on her mobile phone, and that video, too, was viewed as evidence in the case.

    Magistrate David Armitage announced: “He has admitted he did not take the break-up well and we consider the calls to be hostile in nature”.

    The conviction puts Baldwinson in breach of a sixty-day suspended prison sentence that was handed to him last year for breaching a non-molestation order, relating to another complainant, reports the Daily Mail.

    Baldwinson will be sentenced on March 21, and prosecution has announced its intention to apply for a restraining order. In the mean time, Baldwinson has been bailed on the condition that he does not contact Ms Baptiste or visit her home address.


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    Source: Read Full Article

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