Monday, 30 Sep 2024

Horror as gymnast breaks both legs in STOMACH-CHURNING fall

The crowd gave her a standing ovation as she was stretchered off and both her legs placed in casts.

Her coach, Jeff Graba, praised the young athlete following the horror double-leg break.

He added: “It was pretty tough to watch.

“She’s a trouper. The last thing she said was, ‘go help the girls’. The girls rallied around her. They’re doing this for her right now.”

Her teammates delivered following Samantha’s shock exit, with the highest-ever regional score, seeing them advance to the finals.

On Sunday, Samantha finally addressed the shocking end to her career on Instagram.

The brave athlete said: “I couldn’t be prouder of the person that gymnastics has made me become. 

“It may not have ended the way I had planned, but nothing ever goes as planned.

“Thank you Auburn family for giving me a home and a chance to continue doing the sport that will always be my first love.” 

The post, sent out to Samantha’s 3.4K followers has since been liked almost 1.6K times.

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