Saturday, 5 Oct 2024

‘Have to defend our democracy!’ Germany to step up army funds to become ‘leader’ in Europe

Germany set to become 'Military leader' in Europe

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Journalist Katrin Bennhold explained that Germany had reinterpreted their history, and a shift was happening in its traditional response to hostility from Russia. Under the new leadership of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Germany could be set to become a military leader in Europe as he announced Berlin would increase its defence spending for the first time in over 50 years. The new policy was announced within days of Russia invading Ukraine in a show Ms Bennhold suggested shows Berlin’s willingness to “defend our democracy.”

Ms Bennhold told BBC Newsnight: “I wouldn’t be so cynical I think something real has shifted here.

“And you know, Germans have sort of reinterpreted their history quite quickly.

“And have realised, yes, we were reluctant in the past to use military intervention, partly because we know what it is like to be on the wrong side of history.

“We didn’t quite trust ourselves, I think today they have sort of internalised the sense that freedom has a price, it comes with a price tag.

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Ms Bennhold added: “We have to defend our democracy, and in fact, our history is every reason to become more of a military leader in Europe.”

Mr Urban said: “Is it in that sense, sorry, a sort of normalisation of Germany? In that sense in its attitude to defence and security.

Ms Bennhold said: “Yes, I would say it’s kind of the final possible big step that Germany as a country takes to become a more normal country.”

Germany has a history of fascism and war crimes due to the Nazi party in world war two, they are known to of committed some of the most evil crimes against humanity.

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Due to Germany’s history, they have remained mostly neutral, but Chancellor Olaf Scholz has been making changes to that.

Since the invasion of Ukraine, Mr Scholz has vowed to increase Germany’s defence fund.

One of the reasons Russian President Vladimir Putin gave for invading neighbouring Ukraine was that he was trying to  “denazify” the country.

The claims sparked a diplomatic spat both across traditional channels as well as on social media.

The Russian Embassy tweeted: “Sadly, Germany was silent all these 8 years. Where were you, experts?

“What you really should be sorry for, is for failing to persuade Ukraine to implement Minsk Agreements and sit down for negotiations with Donetsk and Lugansk, as envisaged in them.”

And in response, the German Embassy in South Africa said: ” Sorry, but we can’t stay silent on this one, it’s just far too cynical. What (Russia) is doing to (Ukraine) is slaughtering innocent children, women and men for its own gain. It’s definitely not “fighting Nazism”. Shame on anyone who’s falling for this. (Sadly, we’re kinda experts on Nazism.)”

Many people have been comparing Putin to Hitler due to how he is behaving. International lawyers are logging and tracking Putin’s war crimes, in order to hold him accountable when the fighting stops.

There is also some irony because Russians were some of the most heroic when it came to defending their own country in world war two.

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