Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

Handyman who launched horrific machete attack on PC is found guilty

Horrifying moment handyman bursts from van waving MACHETE before attacking ‘Britain’s hardest cop’ – as it emerges he is a convicted RAPIST who nearly cut man’s hand off in ANOTHER machete assault 23 years ago

  • Muhammad Rodwan, 56, fractured Stuart Outten’s skull during machete attack
  • Traffic cop had pulled Rodwan over in east London for driving without insurance
  • The 29-year-old suffered severe head wounds before firing his Taser at Rodwan
  • Rodwan was convicted of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm

Terrifying footage captured by a police officer’s body-worn camera shows the moment he was repeatedly hacked with a machete during a routine traffic stop.

Video shows white van man Muhammad Rodwan swinging the blade at PC Stuart Outten’s head, fracturing his skull and leaving him with six severe head wounds.

During the violent melee on an east London street, the horrified police officer is seen heroically firing off his Taser in a move that the Old Bailey heard had saved his life.

Rodwan claimed he acted in self defence as he thought the PC was going to shoot him, but today he was convicted of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

After today’s verdict, it was revealed that Rodwan had been previously jailed for rape in 1982 and also for a similar machete attack on two flatmates in August 1997.

Muhammad Rodwan (left), fractured the skull of PC Stuart Outten (shown lying on the ground injured, right) when he pulled him over for driving without insurance

Pictured: The machete used by Rodwan to fracture PC Stuart Outten’s skull during a sustained assault in east London

PC Outten suffered six severe head wounds (left, and right, after recovery) and a court heard he could have died had he not bravely fired off his Taser in a bid to disarm Rodwan

The handyman had been living with a group of men in a flat in Walthamstow, east London, when he went berserk with the blade and hacked at two of his roommates.

He nearly chopped off the hand of one man, who fled by jumping out of a window, and seriously injured the other. 

The court also heard that Rodwan was further convicted of rape in 1982 and jailed for three years.

Rodwan was remanded in custody ahead of his sentencing tomorrow, with wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm carrying a potential life term.

PC Outten told how he was on duty in a van with his colleague PC Helen Brooks when they pulled over Rodwan’s vehicle on Leyton High Road, east London.

He stopped the old LGV van because Rodwan had no insurance, but the driver then made as if to pull away.

When the officer stood in the way of the door Rodwan slammed it on his leg. ‘The defendant has then punched me twice,’ the officer said.

‘He seemed angry; his eyebrows were furrowed, face distorted and his whole-body temperament was somebody was angry at myself.’

The officer’s blood can be seen smothered across the road as the police pin down the attacker

Muhammed Rodwan, 56, was originally charged with attempted murder at the Thames Magistrates’ Court (artist’s impression, left, and right)

A scuffle started and the officer tore out a hand full of Rodwan’s dreadlocks as he tried to restrain him.

‘I then started feeling something sharp being smacked against my head,’ the officer said.

‘Once this blows had happened, I then realised my head was becoming very wet very quickly. Once I realised it was not the weather.

‘I then focused on what I was getting hit with. It was a rusty two-foot-long machete.

‘As soon as I stepped back from the van he brought himself out of the van towards me. The machete was in his right hand.

‘Has holding it over his right shoulder. I thought he was going to try to kill me with it. As I was stepping away I have drawn my Taser with my right hand.

‘I believe I gave the command of: ‘Police with Taser’. It is to remind the person you are dealing with there is a Taser.

‘Once I have fired the first shot I have then stumbled and fallen back. The defendant was still approaching and closing in on me. I was focusing on aiming the Taser at a different section of body and firing again to save my own life.’

The dramatic scene where PC Outten was knifed in Leyton, London, and fellow officers pin down the suspect and then arrest him on suspicion of grievous bodily harm 

After the second shot Rodwan froze and the officer was later treated by paramedics.

PC Outten said he recalled ‘only being able to focus on staying alive’ as he was being bandaged.

Jonathan Rees, prosecuting, said: ‘All he needed to do was comply with the instruction he was given. 

‘The evidence shows he did not use the machete because he was under attack from PC Outten; he used the machete because he was in a rage about being detained by PC Outten.

‘The prosecution suggest he knew he had been caught driving without insurance and he tried to avoid the consequences.’

Rodwan told the court: ‘I am a black man, I get stopped all the time. I did not even see the police van.

‘I was a bit cheesed off about getting stopped, although at the time as far as I knew I had not done anything wrong.’

He added: ‘The police officer was actually quite rude and aggressive to me.

‘If he had approached me in a different manner, probably the circumstances would have turned out quite differently, but he didn’t.

‘The police came to the van, manhandled me and then tried to strangle me.

‘I could not think of anything else to do. I did what I could at that time. I was trying to defend myself. That was the only thing that was close to hand.’

When he was taken into custody, he told police officers: ‘My life is worth more than his life.’

Asked about the remark Rodwan said: ‘To me my life is worth more than his life. I am sure you would think your life was worth more than mine.’

Rodwan said he was living in his van at the time and claimed he kept the sharpened machete in the back for gardening jobs.

Rodwan, of Luton, Bedfordshire, denied and was cleared of attempted murder and possessing an offensive weapon. He was convicted of wounding with intent.

Mrs Justice Carr will pass sentence tomorrow.

His victim was bleeding when he called the emergency services, saying: ‘I need an ambulance now. I’ve been stabbed with a machete’

Source: Read Full Article

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