Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Greedy carer conned £30,000 in benefits despite raking in rents from four homes

Corinne Taylor, 64, claimed £27,694 in employment and support allowance for more than four years.

But Taylor, who works as a full-time care for her mother, had rental income and savings from four properties.

Prosecutor Roger Griffiths told Cardiff Crown Court: “She failed to disclose income from rental properties amounting to £30,000 and the fact she owned four properties.

“A total amount of £27,694 was unlawfully taken from public money when she had no entitlement to it at all.”

Taylor, of Pembroke Dock, Pembrokeshire, pleaded guilty to one count of dishonestly making a false statement for benefit.

She was sentenced to eight months imprisonment suspended for eight months.

Judge Nicola Jones said: “I find that a woman of your age and character that there is sufficient punishment for you to have this hanging over your head.”

Taylor, who made her fase claims between December 2012 until June 2017, is currently trying to sell one of her properties to pay the debts.

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