Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

Greece crisis as Turkey hits out at new PM while Cyprus demands Erdogan ends drilling

The clashes came amid high-stakes talks between Greece and Cyprus, both of whom are keen to simmer tensions in the Mediterranean. Yesterday Mr Mitsotakis slammed Ankara for having a military presence on the island and said there would be no solution until they were removed. In response, Turkish Cypriot foreign minister Kudret Ozersay said that troops were only there because of the 1974 coup that handed Cyprus to the Greek military junta.

In an interview that is unlikely to improve diplomatic relations between Ankara and Athens, Mr Ozersay said that the Greek premier’s remarks were “very unfortunate”.

He added: “The presence of Turkish military here is a result and outcome of Greece’s coup and invasion attempt.

“I suggest he [Mitsotakis] never forgets this fact.”

The 1974 Cypriot coup was committed by the Greek Army in an attempt to annex the whole of Cyprus.

It was intended to be part of the national policy of ‘enosis’, which aimed to achieve the island’s union with Greece.

Following the overthrow of Makarios III, Turkey invaded the island a few days later.

They took control of northern Cyprus – which they now claim is the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus – meaning the Greeks only had the south.

According to the UN, around 30,000 troops remain in northern Cyprus as a ‘peacekeeping force’.

The land situation has barely changed in the past 45 years, and has been the source of great tension between Greece and Turkey, over both land and oil.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has been heavily criticised for insistently drilling for gas in Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone, which only Nicosia is supposed to have jurisdiction over.

Erdogan has said that, due to the majority of Turks in the north of the country, Turkey has a right to Cyprus’ natural resources.

However, President Nicos Anastasiades said that Ankara must halt “illegal drilling” in their waters if diplomatic talks are to resume between the two countries.

He added that Turkey’s actions foster “suspicion and mistrust” – words echoed by Mr Mitsotakis.

The Greek Prime Minister said: “The primary goal of Greek foreign policy is the resolution of the Cyprus question, a question which remains a question of invasion and occupation.

“We have made clear to all involved our central and common view that no progress is feasible without the complete abolition of guarantees and the withdrawal of the occupying troops.

“We seek a free reunited and prosperous Cyprus, the lawful government of which will manage effectively and fairly to the benefit of the Cypriot people and its communities, the wealth of the island including proceeds from hydrocarbon exploitation.”

Cyprus and Greece have been appealing to the EU over Turkey’s drilling after two ships appeared either side of the Cypriot coast in recent months, but Erdogan has affirmed Turkey’s legal claim to the resources.

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