Wednesday, 25 Sep 2024

Goofy golden retriever fails miserably trying to pick ball with cone around head

A golden retriever has left his owner howling with laughter thanks to his desperate attempts to get around wearing a cone for the first time.

Stanley, a six-month-old pup, was recently taken to a veterinary clinic to get neutered and returned home with the customary cone around his neck to prevent him from irritating his wounds.

Owner Ocean McDonald, from Canada, captured a hilarious moment on camera when she watched her beloved pet resting on a sofa.

In the footage shared with Daily Star, Stanley, without realising the plastic film around his neck, desperately tries to fetch himself a tennis ball on the sofa.

He gets hold of it with his paw but struggles to pick it up.

The clueless canine opens his mouth wide and hits the cone several times while trying to carry the ball in his mouth.

At one point, his teeth got stuck at the brim of the cone and he freezes until it flaps down.

Ocean can be heard holding back her laughter as she watches Stanley trying to play with the ball.

"He was pretty drowsy and out of it the day of the neutering, but he was basically back to his old self the following day," she told Daily Star.

"When he had the cone on, he really struggled with not running into things. Quite often he would walk into chairs or the side of the wall.

"I felt bad watching him struggle with the cone on, but I also couldn't help but laugh at the same time."

Stanley wore the cone for eight days and despite the struggle, Ocean said he was doing well and didn't really try to lick his wounds much.

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  • She also added that Stanley is obsessed with her and her partner's shoes.

    "His favourite things to chew on are our shoes," Ocean explained.

    "So we always try hide them in the closet but he usually tries to grab our shoes as we are in the midst of taking them off."

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    Source: Read Full Article

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