Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Ghislaine Maxwell judge slammed her 'misdirection' and said her $28m bail bid showed she has cash to 'flee the country'

A FEDERAL judge said Ghislaine Maxwell's $28.5 million bail package was evidence enough to prove she could flee the country if let out on bail, and ruled to keep her locked up until her July trial date, newly unsealed documents reveal.

U.S. District Judge Alison J. Nathan denied Jeffrey Epstein's ex-girlfriend bail, claiming Maxwell has a high risk of flight and that she intentionally "misdirected" court workers by undervaluing her assets and her property in New Hampshire where she was arrested.

The wealthy socialite was arrested in July on charges claiming she helped recruit three teenage girls for Epstein to sexually abuse in the 1990s. Maxwell was also accused in an indictment that she sometimes joined in the abuse. She has pled not guilty and now is awaiting trial in July.

Nathan originally denied bail in a July hearing, forcing Maxwell's defense lawyers to request for bail again just in time for the holidays.

Her lawyers said Maxwell pledged her $22.5 million in assets plus millions more from friends and family, including her four-year-old marriage with tech company CEO Scott Borgerson.

However, Nathan argued Maxwell "misrepresented" the value of her assets and property, as well as her relationship with Borgerson, which her lawyers all say are reason why Maxwell would stay put in the United States.

"Even if the defendant was unable to provide an exact number, however," Nathan wrote of Maxwell's self-reported asset valuations.

"The difference between the number she originally reported to pretrial services and the number now presented to the court makes it unlikely that the misrepresentation was the result of the defendant's misestimation rather than misdirection," she ended.

Despite lawyers claiming Maxwell's close ties to Borgerson and his children were evidence of strong ties to the United States, Nathan denied the request for bail in earlier this week in sealed documents.

The documents were then released Wednesday after lawyers requested no redactions.

Nathan denied the second request for bail – which would include round-the-clock armed guards and electronic monitoring – for the same reason as she did the first one.

The federal judge said Maxwell's charges came with a presumption of detention before trial and said Maxwell's reources and foreign ties as reason not to release her on bail.

In addition to holding citizenship in the United Kingdom and the United States, Maxwell is a citizen of France, which does not extradite its citizens.

Nathan also said Maxwell was arrested miles "away from the family to whom she now asserts important ties," and wouldn't be a risk factor.

"But by and large, the arguments presented either were made at the initial bail hearing or could have been made then," Nathan wrote.

"In any event, the new information provided in the renewed application only solidifies the Courts view that the Defendant plainly poses a risk of flight and that no combination of conditions can ensure her appearance," she ended.

Nathan also wrote that proof of Maxwell's strong ties to the United States were strengthened from letters from family and friends, and an unidentified husband.

Noting that Maxwell's husband was not named in court papers, Nathan said Maxwell wasn't living with him in July and claimed they were getting divorced, adding Maxwell didn't propose living with him now and therefore undermine her defense argument that "the relationship would create an insurmountable burden to her fleeing."

Maxwell also "misrepresented" the value of her assets to court workers after her arrest and the value of her New Hampshire property where she was arrested.

Maxwell's "misrepresentations, which have been made clear with the new bail application, and the lack of candor raises significant concerns as to whether the Court has now been provided a full and accurate picture of her finances and as to the Defendants willingness to abide by any set of conditions of release," Nathan ended.

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