Wednesday, 25 Sep 2024

George Floyd’s brother tells Brooklyn protesters he is proud of them

The younger brother of George Floyd thanked a throng of demonstrators in his home borough of Brooklyn on Thursday, telling them he was proud of them and encouraging them to continue their fight — peacefully — for justice.

“I’m proud of your protest,” Terrence Floyd told some 5,000 protesters gathered at Cadman Plaza, after taking the podium to chants of “You are not alone!”

“Brooklyn, trouble don’t last always,” he said to cheers.

Floyd began his speech by telling the crowd of his own journey from anger to hope.

“I want to thank God,” he began.

“I was mad, I was upset, but it wasn’t his fault,” he said of his brother.  “It was his purpose. It was his will.

“I want to thank God. At the end of the day, my brother is gone, but the Floyd name still lives on,” he said.

Floyd urged protesters to remain peaceful.

“I’m proud of the protest, but I’m not proud of the destruction ,” he said. “My brother wasn’t about that. The Floyds is a God-fearing family,” he said.

“I want to say this; power to the people,” he added, to more cheers.

“Not just some people. Not just the people they think is important … I’m talking about the people,” he said.

Local civil rights leaders and politicians are also speaking at the enthusiastic, peaceful rally — all of them received warmly with the exception of Mayor Bill de Blasio, who was heckled off the stage.


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