Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Fury as sheriff’s deputy tackles and pins boy, 15, with no arms or legs to the ground – The Sun

A SHERIFF'S deputy violently tackled and pinned a 15-year-old boy with no arms or legs to the ground, before holding him in a headlock.

Shocking footage of the ordeal was recorded by another boy at the group home in Arizona whose head was later pushed into a wall.

The teen, Immanuel Oloya, was heard yelling at the Pima County deputy as he was being held in a headlock.

Oloya yelled repeatedly: "Don’t f*****g hold me down. Don’t f*****g hold me down, n*****."


The armed deputy, a bald white man wearing sunglasses, is seen with his hands around Oloya, a black teen.

The deputy appears to be ordering Oloya to calm down, but the teen demands that the deputy releases him.

He asked the teen: "Are you going to calm down?"

"Get the f*** off of me!" the boy responds.

The eight-minute clip, which was recorded in September, was made available to KOLD-TV by the Pima County Public Defender’s Office.

Oloya was put into a group home after he was abandoned by his family, according to the Public Defender’s Office.

The deputy was called to the home after Oloya allegedly knocked over a rubbish bin and verbally threatened a worker.

Footage shows the deputy wrestle Oloya to the floor and then release him after 90 seconds.

Th ordeal ended with them exchanging words as the teen sat on the floor and leaned back against a fridge.

As the two exchange words, the deputy becomes more angry, yelling: "I’m telling you to stop moving, and you still move! Shut the hell up!"

Oloya says something to the deputy, who responds: "I will raise my voice to you whenever the f*** I want. Do you understand me?"

I will raise my voice to you whenever the f*** I want. Do you understand me?

The 16-year-old boy who secretly filmed the ordeal then makes a comment at the deputy, who yelled at him, saying: "Shut the hell up! Are you involved in this? Go to your room!"

After more back-and-forth, the deputy then tells the bystander: "You're going to get arrested, too."

The video ends before Oloya is also taken into custody.

Both teens were charged with disorderly conduct, but prosecutors told KOLD-TV that it dismissed the charges against Oloya after being made aware of the video.

Pima County Attorney's Office said in a statement. "Today, for the first time, our office saw the video from the September 26th, 2019 incident involving Immanuel Oloya.

"The Public Defender obtained this video and released it to news media, but our office was not given any opportunity to review this video until today.

"Upon reviewing the video, we have dismissed the charges pertaining to this incident."


Joel Feinman, the Pima County Public Defender said: "Men and women who do act this way should not have badges and guns.

"Imagine you were this boy with no limbs who just got tackled by this large man with a badge and gun and this man is now screaming in your face and he’s now threatening your friend who’s recording this whole incident.

"Absolutely, that’s egregious."

Men and women who do act this way should not have badges and guns

Feinman rejected any suggestion that Oloya provoked the deputy, saying that nothing justifies the treatment he received.

He said: "Fifteen-year-old's who have not been through what Immanuel went through act out all the time.

"These are kids who live in a group home because they can’t live with their parents. This is exactly the type of person that law enforcement needs to protect and defend.

"Instead we see them being treated like they’re animals."

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