Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Four EU nations will take in 64 migrants rescued in Mediterranean Sea

Four European Union member countries will take in 64 migrants rescued in the Mediterranean Sea in a deal announced Saturday.

The migrants will head to France, Germany, Portugal and Luxembourg after they were stranded at sea for almost two weeks. A German aid ship had rescued them off the coast of Libya, but Malta initially refused the vessel entry. Italy did, as well.

“Once again the smallest member of the European Union was put under unnecessary pressure, being asked to resolve a case which was neither its responsibility nor its remit,” the Maltese government stated.

“A solution was found in order not to let the situation deteriorate further while making it clear Malta cannot keep shouldering this burden.”

The German NGO Sea-Eye had complained about worsening conditions for the 64 migrants. Two were evacuated in recent days due to health issues.

The rescue ship was named after Alan Kurdi, the 3-year-old boy who drowned while trying to flee Syria with his parents in 2015.

With Post Wire Services

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