Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Five men jailed after filming gang rape of woman they abducted from nightclub

CCTV footage showed Dobrin lighting a cigarette for her while the other men hovered nearby outside and then followed her as she walked up Bath Street.

She was put into a car and then driven to Les Platons car park, where they took turns raping her and filming it on their phones.

Reading from her statement to the police, Crown Advocate Simon Thomas said that the victim did not attempt to fight back as “I thought I was going to get murdered.”

Calin then drove the victim and the other attackers back to town, where she was found by a member of the public who had heard ‘two screams”.

Requesting a sentence of ten years in prison, Crown Advocate Thomas said: “There is no case remotely like this one.

“That is to a say, a case where a young woman has been abducted by five men, driven to a remote location and raped while filming took place.”

The court heard that Diaconu and Calin both filmed parts of the attack – evidence which proved crucial to police when investigating.

The Bailiff, Sir William Bailhache, presiding, said that “by any standards these were appalling crimes”.

After the case, Acting Detective Inspector Christina MacLennan, head of the state’s police Serious Crime Unit, praised the bravery of the victim, who has since suffered from PTSD.

She said: “Although stranger rape is a particularly serious offence to investigate, thankfully they remain a rare occurrence in Jersey.

“The States of Jersey Police have the utmost determination to investigate and prosecute all sexual offenders and we can assure victims that there is help available from a number of agencies who are in a position to offer support and guidance through all stages of the criminal justice process.

“We remain committed to working with our partners, especially support and advocacy services such as the SARC at Dewberry House, JAAR and the Jersey Women’s Refuge, to encourage victims of sexual crime to report such incidents.”

As well as being jailed for ten years, the five men will also be on the Sex Offenders’ Register for 12 years and were recommended for deportation.

A restraining order was also imposed them from contacting the victim.

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