Monday, 30 Sep 2024

Drink driver jailed for going the wrong way down dual carriage way at 10mph

A DRINK-driver was caught going the wrong way down a dual carriageway at 10mph.

Sax Foster, 29, could have a caused a “catastrophic” accident if he had not been stopped by cops within seconds of joining the slip road, a court heard.

Police said Foster had slurred speech and the car stank of cannabis.

He was twice the alcohol limit and refused to give a blood or urine test for drugs.

Foster, who had a passenger, was aggressive and uncooperative after being stopped on the A38 near Kennford, Devon, near midnight on December 13.

He spat at an officer during the breath test back at the police station.

The spittle missed the cop but hit his boot and he was concerned over the risk of Covid.

Judge Peter Johnson told Foster at Exeter crown court: “You were heavily under the influence of alcohol and no doubt drugs.

“It was late at night and the weather was dreadful with heavy rain.

“The risk of a catastrophic accident is only too obvious.”

Foster, of Newton Abbot, Devon, admitted dangerous and drink-driving offences and assaulting a cop.

He was jailed for 16 months and banned from driving for three years.

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