Tuesday, 1 Oct 2024

‘Doomscrolling’ bad news can trigger life-wrecking ‘burnout’

Medics say endlessly doomscrolling’ bad news online could trigger potentially life-wrecking worry burnout’ – and your fun-packed Daily Star could be the cure.

Experts say obsessing on an excessive amount of negative news’ can trigger stress, anxiety, depression, distress, fear, sleepless nights and a reduced appetite impairing the ability to perform everyday tasks.

Untreated it can cause burnout’ when someone feels overwhelmed and worn out by worry’ and victims could end up in rehab.

Medics say the condition is more prevalent than ever’ with Brits blitzed with nightmare news about the pandemic, cost-of-living crisis and war in Ukraine.

Martin Preston, founder and chief executive of the private Delamere clinic in the north-west, said worry burnout’ can damage relationships, careers and day-to-day life.

Doomscrolling is spending an excessive amount of time scrolling through news sites and social media absorbing negative news,’’ he said.

This condition is more prevalent than ever.

Doomscrolling can have a negative impact on an individual's mental health, often triggering and worsening feelings of anxiety, stress, depression, fear and feelings of distress.

For some, there is an added risk that too much time spent focusing on these weighted problems can even cause worry burnout’.

"Worrying is a normal part of human life, but during the unprecedented times of the pandemic, people have been exposed to worry burnout’ when a person feels overwhelmed and worn out by worry.

"Constant worrying can take a toll on your emotional and physical health, weighing negatively on your day-to-day life, relationships, career and other aspects.’’

Mr Preston said to combat the condition sufferers should meditate, share and write down their worries, stay active, avoid grim news sites and try and `find the positive in worrying situations’ – part of the Daily Star’s mantra.

Light-hearted and fun content can be extremely beneficial to mood and can be a good distraction when you're struggling with the complexities of day to day life,’’ he said.

Calming, rewarding, and providing focus, reading light-hearted content can be a great way to help you de-stress, reduce burnout and prevent doomscrolling.

Reading is proven to help lower our stress hormones such as cortisol, epinephrine and dopamine.

High levels of stress hormones can cause sleep problems, low immunity, high blood pressure and more.

When the levels of stress hormones are reduced you’re simultaneously minimising the anxiety and stress that your body is exposed to.

Studies have shown that reading for as little as six minutes before bedtime reduces stress by 68%.’’

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Art buffs recently staged an exhibition of Daily Star front pages after being wowed by our 'genuinely funny’ coverage of the pandemic while employing biting satire to hold the people in power to account’.

Austin Collings, 40, who co-organised the event at The White Hotel in Manchester, said the newspaper was the perfect antidote’ to Britain’s doom-laden media.

"Like many people across the country we were blown away by the way the Daily Star covered the pandemic,’’ he said. "It employed biting satire to hold the people in power to account while somehow managing to be genuinely funny in what were the grimmest of times."

"Art isn’t just about paintings hanging in the Louvre. Being funny in a pandemic is art.

"But the newspaper went much further, managing to be both irreverent and relevant.

"Some of the artwork, including a nod towards Carry On movies, iconic TV shows and even seaside postcards, was outstanding and deserves its place in the history of our times.’’

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