Monday, 30 Sep 2024

Dog’s reaction to horse racing leaves TokTok viewers crying with laughter

A dog has been branded "hilarious" for her over-the-top reaction to the horse racing on TV when it was filmed by his amused owner and shared on TikTok.

In the clip, uploaded by user @mustangmadddy on January 1, a Wheaten Terrier called Bella sits on the floor with her nose just inches away from the telly as she watches the horses in the starting stalls.

For several tense seconds, she is fixated on the screen.

Suddenly, the race begins and the terrier starts jumping into the air and barking with joy, with her eyes still glued to the TV, as the horses' hooves pound down the track.

Leaping in the air like a jack-in-the-box with her legs splayed out, Bella the dog makes her owner laugh as well as thousands of people on TikTok – where it has been viewed more than 1.3 million times.

One fan commented: "Lmao that jump is hilarious."

"I'm crying and laughing," confessed another viewer.

"Doggie was a horse in a previous life," commented someone else.

A fourth viewer joked: "It's not funny at all.

"Poor dog obviously had a lot of money on one of those horses."

"That jump is kinda similar to a jockey on a horse, or that dog has gambling issues," quipped another person.

In another endearing moment caught on video, a blind dog melted hearts on Reddit when she smelled her owner and started jumping around in giddy anticipation of a cuddle.

Meanwhile, a husky's excited reaction to its first-ever snow day left people in stitches by knocking over its owner while running around in excitement.

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