Monday, 17 Jun 2024

Doctor with coronavirus feels like she went '5 rounds with Mike Tyson' as she reveals what it's like to have killer bug

A DOCTOR has revealed how coronavirus left her feeling like she had gone "five rounds with Mike Tyson".

Dr Clare Gerada is recovering from the killer bug in London after falling ill while in New York.

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The medic – a former chair of the Royal College of GPs – said she was tested after suffering from a dry throat, cough, and aching limbs.

Speaking on Good Morning Britain, she said: "I'm now coming out the other end and if you want to say what it's like, it's probably five rounds with Mike Tyson and the worst flu I've ever had.

"It's horrible."

The doctor is currently in self-isolation as she recovers from the disease, which has so far killed 36 people in the UK and infected 1,421.

A 68-year-old patient with underlying health conditions in Wales has become the first death in the country today.

Dr Gerada told Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid: "I've had to keep distance from my husband, who is in the same building."

It comes as the government is preparing to ramp up its efforts in tackling the virus.

In a shock move, Health Secretary Matt Hancock said today people aged 70 will have to self-isolate for up to four months.

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Dr Gerada said it is important not to "second guess" the government and health chiefs over the Covid-19 advice they have offered.

The doctor also told viewers she is recovering well and is planning to return to work next week to help with the crisis.

She added: "I’m not young – well I’m young-ish – and my body has fabulously built up a defence against this.

"It’s not like a car which breaks down which you have to get mended, your own body does this.

"Clearly I haven’t got any underlying health issues and I’m fully fit in every other way. I think we need to just accept that yes, it’s a grim illness but I’m through the other side."

Her interview today went viral after her phone kept ringing and a mystery man appeared mid-chat to scoop up her grunting dog.

Yesterday cases across the UK increased from 1,140 to 1,391 in less than a day.

Britain's youngest victim, 59-year-old Nick Matthews, died from COVID-19 early Saturday after he developed symptoms after a holiday in Spain.

Under drastic new plans to stop the spread of the virus, families will be told to self-isolate if one person comes down with virus symptoms.

Pubs and restaurants could also close across the UK with schools now told to send kids with a cough home.

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