Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Daughter of man who shot lion vows never to call her father ‘dad’

‘You are a horrible person’: Daughter of couple who kissed over the body of a lion they’d just shot vows never to call her estranged father ‘dad’ again after his £12,000 hunting trip

  • Sydney Carter, 19, posted a video on YouTube condemning her father for trip  
  • She claimed dad Darren from Edmonton, Canada, did not pay her child support
  • Darren and wife Carolyn sparked outrage with the photo of them kissing

The daughter of a couple who sparked outrage with a photo of them kissing next to the body of a lion they had just killed has vowed to disown her parents. 

In a video uploaded to YouTube, 19-year-old Sydney Carter said she will never call her father Darren from Edmonton, Canada, ‘dad’ again after the photo. 

Sydney, who has not seen her father in ten years, said she was disgusted after hearing he had paid £12,000 to shoot the lion in South Africa. 

‘I refuse to call him my dad anymore, who does that?’ she said in the clip. 

Sydney Carter, 19, vowed to never call her father ‘dad’ again in response to the photograph


Pictures of Darren and Carolyn Carter, from Edmonton in Alberta, Canada, kissing while kneeling behind a lion they had just killed in South Africa sparked outrage among animal lovers and conservationists

‘I will never understand people like that – who take pride in shooting a beautiful animal like a lion. I’ll never understand it.’

Sydney also claimed that, despite his lavish holiday spending, Darren allegedly cut off her child support when she started university. 

‘Darren, if you’re ever watching this, just know that I don’t call you my dad anymore. You are a horrible person.

‘Knowing you trophy hunt beautiful animals like lions, who are slowly becoming endangered, is just… it’s too much.

‘I’m someone who loves animals and wouldn’t want anyone to hurt them, and to know that my own father does that – I don’t even consider you my dad anymore.’ 

Sydney claims she has not seen her father in ten years and he allegedly stopped paying child support when she started university

Other photos show the same couple in front of another dead lion, captioned: ‘There is nothing like hunting the king of the jungle in the sands of the Kalahari’

Pictures of Darren and Carolyn Carter posing after finishing a hunt sparked outrage among animal lovers and conservationists.

Mr and Mrs Carter were taking part in a tour organised by Legelela Safaris when they shot and killed at least two lions. 

The majestic creatures have been considered vulnerable since 1996, and their population has decreased by 43 per cent in just 20 years. 

Tourists can pay to take selfies with lion cubs or walk with younger animals before they are moved to ‘canned hunting’ facilities where they cannot escape.

Hunters than pay to kill them in these facilities, which is far easier than tracking the animals in the wild. 

The tour operator regularly shares snaps of dead animals alongside proud hunters, often grinning as they hold up their guns, on their Facebook page.

Underneath the kissing photo, they wrote: ‘Hard work in the hot Kalahari sun…well done. A monster lion.’

Other photos show the same couple in front of another dead lion, captioned: ‘There is nothing like hunting the king of the jungle in the sands of the Kalahari. 

Underneath the kissing photo, they wrote: ‘Hard work in the hot Kalahari sun…well done. A monster lion.’ Pictured: Mr Carter with the lion

‘Well done to the happy huntress and the team…’ 

The pair, who run a taxidermy business, have described themselves as ‘passionate conservationists’ despite taking part in hunts, reports the Mirror.

Eduardo Goncalves, the founder of the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting, believes the lions were captive and bred for the sole purpose of being killed by hunters.

He added: ‘This couple should be utterly ashamed of themselves, not showing off and snogging for the cameras.’ 

Legelela Safaris charges £2,400 for giraffe hunts and £2,000 for zebra. They also offer leopard, elephant, rhino and lion hunts.

The news comes after Environment Secretary Michael Gove said he wants to ban big-game hunters bringing back trophies from their kills.

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