Tuesday, 1 Oct 2024

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Time to prove you're true blue, Prime Minister

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Now it’s time to prove you’re true blue, Prime Minister

No individual minister is indispensable. Even the most talented is replaceable. After their departure, the ship of state sails on regardless.

Even so, the resignation of Brexit mastermind Lord Frost is an agonising body blow to Boris Johnson.

The Prime Minister had already endured a miserable week, suffering a huge backbench rebellion against Covid restrictions and a catastrophic by-election defeat.

Boris Johnson and David Frost pictured together last year. Mr Johnson hailed the now resigned Brexit minister as ‘the greatest Frost since the Great Frost of 1709’

But the loss of his friend and ally (Mr Johnson hailed him as ‘the greatest Frost since the Great Frost of 1709’) is on a different level. For it strikes at the very heart of his faltering premiership.

Principled, patriotic and a skilful diplomat, Lord Frost is a man of true substance. In a lightweight Cabinet, he brought political and intellectual heft.

Why is his exit so damaging? While recent turbulence has centred on Mr Johnson’s character and judgment, Lord Frost quit due to growing disillusionment with the Tory party’s troubling direction of travel.

With customary acuity, he warns the PM that he risks squandering the opportunities of Brexit.

The Government shows depressingly little inclination towards creating the nimble low-tax, low-regulation economy needed to deliver the full benefits of regaining sovereignty.

Yet low taxes are an article of Conservative faith. Mr Johnson must demonstrate he understands this.

Easing personal and business taxes might just reduce the heat from the growing backbench insurrection.

Lord Frost also hits the nail on the head over ruinous green policies.

The Mail believes passionately in safeguarding the planet for future generations. Yet the reckless dash to achieve ‘net-zero’ carbon emissions will come at an eye-watering cost, hit struggling families with soaring bills and leave us dangerously dependent on foreign powers to keep the lights on.

Perhaps most pertinently, Lord Frost believes it is vital to keep the country open through Omicron.

Lord Frost, who has now resigned from his role as Brexit minister, pictured in November

Gloomy scientists are urging the PM to batten down the hatches once more to save the NHS from – and for – a minority who stubbornly refuse to be vaccinated.

But cancelling Christmas again would not only cause another volcanic eruption within the party, it would be unbearable and – given No10’s rule-breaking parties last year – beyond outrageous.

Locking down after a year of jabs would be a grotesque failure of government policy.How many firms would go bust?

How many people would snap mentally? What damage to education? And how many vulnerable children will be abused – or worse?

Without proof that Omicron is anything more than a mild illness, the PM must resist. It’s not good enough to pull the plug on our lives just to be on the safe side.

Mr Johnson can certainly recover from his current woes. But his approach to government must change. Lord Frost’s departure is a massive wake-up call.

Ruling like the Sun King from inside Downing Street simply hasn’t worked. He needs to get back to a system of collective Cabinet decision-making responsibility.

He should also listen to his party. They are Conservatives. He must demonstrate by deeds not words that he is one, too.

The Foreign Secretary Liz Truss (pictured in September earlier this year) will assume Lord Frost’s Brexit duties

Trust Truss on EU

While sorry to see Lord Frost go, this paper thinks choosing Liz Truss to assume his Brexit duties is a great signal of intent.

The Foreign Secretary will bring determination and dynamism (and, hopefully, the zeal of a Remainer convert) to the battle over the flawed Northern Ireland Protocol.

She’ll stand up to the EU. Trickier will be stopping No10 diluting our demands.

During talks with Brussels, Lord Frost took tips from a book on Kremlin negotiating tactics. Miss Truss should order a copy.

Source: Read Full Article

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